Thursday, January 31, 2019
Essay --
The sun was beaming on a hot subsequentlynoon in July of 2017. We were almost to the finish line. It was hard to believe we had started the race or so 10 hours earlier. by pedaling until our legs felt like they were ab come out to fall off, by drinking water like we had been in the desert for weeks, and by believe that we could make it to the end, Alex and I made it, to my Ithaca, Portland Oregon. My odyssey was a tough one, not alone the 200 mile race, notwithstanding also the decisions we had to make on our counselling up the the race. My family and I had just spent the week in Portland, and we were headed home. When out of nowhere I saw a big group of cyclers press release down the opposite side of the freeway, What are they doing? I asked my older br other(a). Is that Seattle to Portland? he asked my dad, and my dad said yes. I found the very interesting so I just had to tell my best friend Alex, who is equal to Hermes from the odyssey, his cost increase being my molu fl ower. He said he had heard about it before, after talking about this for countless minutes, simply we set a destruction to participate in the race before we went off to college in 2017. by and by a few days we realized that we wouldnt stand a chance at finishing that race without practicing. We decided starting in the spring of seventh grade, any time one of us would go to the others house, we would cps there. Eventually we noticed that even that wouldnt cut it. We conscious ourselves that every week we would bike somewhere, and then the next week we would bike a little further, and further. Until we thought we had reached our preferred distance. We started off by biking to 7/eleven which is about one or two miles away, we struggled at first, but after biking there a few times we got the hang of it. B... ...ints keen that we had the resources to make it for a while without a major break. we passed an abundance of the other bikers, but After mille 100 I was getting really exh austed, and every chance I got I would try to convince Alex to take a break, but I knew that if we took too many I would lose cartel of getting to the finish line in Portland my Ithaca, which was only 100 miles away, but a simple thing could stop me from getting there.Alex and I were only about a minute away from the finish line, we heard the shouting of the people waiting at the finish line, then it happened, both of us crossed the finish line, beating the other contestants like Odysseus beat the Suitors. We had end our journey, where we drank all our water, where we battled the thought of giving up, and where we witnessed amazing scenery, and we had just made it to Portland, my Ithaca.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Literary Analysis of American Literature Essay
As Elinor Ostrom explains, To a great degree, his stories speak for those who argon disenfranchised, cheated, ab commitd, or ignored because of race or class. Hughess stories speak of the downtrodden African-the Statesns leave off and overlooked by a prejudiced society. The recurring theme of impotency is exemplified in his storey Let America Be America once again, Harlem and The Negro Speaks of Rivers. Hughes uses rhyme to draw attention to the poetic element of his narration Let America Be America Again.Words such(prenominal) as be and large-minded, breathing ined and schemed, wreathe and breathe etcetera altogether demonstrate rhyming. The central theme is that the author feels left out of the American Dream. Hughes is writing a rime of mostvirtuoso who feels that America is a land that lives up to begin to add up to that. The tone is outraged and resentful. In this poem he is non representing the flow of view of one particular group. Hughes conveys that t present a rgon many people whove come here with hopes and aspirations and theyre being let down.Hes also aphorism that at that place is an economic disparity between people. In essence the rich people get richer, and the poor get poorer, because there is no equal opportunity. That estimation is something that is not real for many people because of their race, economic situation, and come up. The contributor is immediately introduced to the fact that the author does not believe that America is tout ensemble it can be due to the fact that the word again is used. He wants America to be the dream it used to be. But the powerful demarcation line is 5 which reads America was never America. This enhances what many people feel, that Americas ideals of equality, liberty, and land of the free dont keym real. In a instinct there is a positive tone because there is a hope that America can be a great muscular land of love, O, let my land be a land where liberty Is crowned with no false patrioti c wreath, But opportunity is real, and life is free, Equality is in the course we breathe. Liberty, which is another word for freedom is important in the dream America holds so preciously. The central message here is one of greed. money is at the center of what America has live on.Hughes feels that power, gain and owning property is the focus. Its all about money. He says in line 32 to what America has arrest in his views. Of owning ein truththing for ones own greed At the afterwards stage of the poem, Hughes is coming back and saying sarcastically that he wouldnt say there is freedom. He is speaking for the millions of people who have been struggling, hoping, working, flight of stairs flags, who have nothing except for dreams that are almost dead. Harlem by Langston Hughes is a poem that talks about what happens when we postpone our dreams.The poem is made up of a series of similes and it ends with a metaphor. The objective of the poem is to get us to think about what happen s to a dream that is put off, postponed what happens when we create our precise own shelve of dreams? The dream refers to a goal in life, not the dreams we have while sleeping, but our deepest desires. There are many slipway to understand this poem it varies from person to person. Someone uniform me may see this poem as talking about just dreams in general. Others may see it as African-Americans dreams.Although the meter of Harlem varies, the poem has a rhythmic, lyrical quality achieved with alliteration, rhyme, repetition of certain words, and carefully put stressed syllables. People need to think twice before deferring their dreams. Langston Hughes says it go around in his poem Harlem asking the interrogation. What happens to a dream deferred?? Langston Hughes describes the outcome of the question as an altogether bad idea, saying that deferring your dream is fester like a sore or it stinks like rotten meat.By using imagery, he wants the reader to know what it is like to defer a dream and how bad it is. The first image in the poem proposes that the dream dries up like a raisin. This simile likens the original dream to a grape, which is round, juicy, green and fresh. Once the dream has lain neglected for too long, it dries up. Where the raisin image invokes the senses of stress and sight, the simile of the sore conveys a sense of touch and bodily impact. By comparing the dream to a sore on the system, Hughes suggests that unfulfilled dreams become part of us, like scars.In Langston Hughes poem The Negro Speaks of Rivers, Hughes makes use of some interesting poetic techniques. This poem is written in free verse, at first glance, seems to be unstructured. Hughes repeats words and lines, but does not make use of repeated sounds. Finally, some of his word choices near the end of the poem serving to bring the message of the poem across much strongly. These poetic techniques alter greatly to the quality of the poem. The textual details of the poem inv oke strong imagery related to veins, rivers, and the roots of trees and give the reader a sense of the timelessness of these objects.In the short first stanza, the speaker in the poem by Langston Hughes states that he has known rivers ancient as the world and one-time(a) than the flow of human blood in human veins. From this early point in the point in the poem, images of the canals of veins that run throughout the human body as well as similar images of rivers that wind around and are shaped like veins form our understanding that this poem is about more than blood or water, it is about roots and circuits. He has a very deep meaning about how people feel by debating that his intellect is so much stubborn now at this point that no external source could change it.Hughes poems illustrate many of the problems that African Americans set about during the depression era, ranging from prejudice and discrete racism to a general air of hopelessness and despair. His poetry basically develo ps the idea of celebrating and idealizing the Negro life in America. He is not much like the other poets who just uses a single voice/entity, instead has a tendency to express the visualizations through a number of voices making it more realistic. His expression consists of renunciation and feelings of ain cruelty.
Prayer in Counseling Essay
In Eriksen and Welds ledger article, the writers contend that church property and invocation is being utilized much and more by psychological health practitioners and advocators. The concept of collection within the commission session is some(a) function that was considered for a long time but the actual use of spirituality practices is more frequently being used today. This particular article is base upon the information retrieved from two tests that were do on first time counselees and their practitioners. All of the counselees were Christians and results were based on what their expectations were regarding petition and spirituality inventions.The test also surveyed what the beliefs and practices were of the counselors. Ultimately, the test showed that nearly counselees preferred the introduction of petition within the sessions. They wished audible prayer was initiated by the counselor. Additionally, the test results also showed that knobs expected prayer and even p refer that counselors or practitioners pray for them outside the prayer sessions as wellhead. A nonher interesting thing that the test results showed was that apparitional natured conservatives preferred prayer more than the liberals of a religious nature.Overall, the studies from this article resulted in a confirmation that prayer is therapeutic and well-informed for the clients. According to the article, spirituality has already been linked to a sturdy eudaimonia and even layman counselors have used prayer intervention in sessions. There are many therapists that do not believe in mixing psychology with theology, however the results seem to point to the fact that prayer intervention and spirituality produces effectiveness in psychotherapy sessions. There has been some controversy to the highest degree using prayer in direction much(prenominal) as improper use of prayer in advise.In some cases, practitioners whitethorn not be trained properly to comprise prayer and this coul d result in a damaged relationship between client and counselor. In some cases on that point are counselors that may not abide by prayer within the session but their clients may find it important. On the contrary, one of the studies showed that there were more counselors that valued prayer than their counselees. With these barriers to consider, research and interrogation of spirituality and prayer in counseling volition be chased further. Interaction It was quite amazing to see how high of a pct of practitioners actually incorporate prayer with the counseling.There was a time when educators did not suggest using prayer or spirituality in the counseling sessions due to the delicacy of the consequence of religion. Also, as a former secular counselor, there was some concern that many of the clients were not Christians and there may be withdrawense taken by the client. aft(prenominal) rendition this journal article, it is enlightening to find out that many clients prefer prayer especially since many counselors are Christians now. Since there is very little research on the subject of prayer intervention, further research is crucial so that counselors flowerpot learn the proper way to incorporate prayer into the therapy session.Although the authors covered a pair of research studies on how effective prayer is to the success of the counseling session, it wasnt sufficient enough to say that the majority of people who perform to counseling prefer prayer. The article covered a lot about proven effectiveness of spirituality with counseling but there involve to be more on how to properly incorporate the two entities. entreaty is enlightening to many counselors but it is still a crank subject and needs to be weaned in the right way. It is this authors assertion that prayer can be enlightening and beneficial to the intellectual health from personal experiences.The application of prayer and Biblical scriptures has been so shake up for many clients but there are many out there that do not know the avails of prayer. Dialogue is crucial when initiating prayer in the counseling session so the counselor needs to be well educated on the techniques. Spirituality and prayer has been utilized by this counselor and has been an integral tool in problem solving and keeping clients happy. As a Christian counselor, prayer for the client can be done after sessions whether the client wants it or not but during sessions should be cautiously applied.It is because of this article that this author will issue and investigate how to incorporate prayer carefully into the counseling session. Application It is because of this article that this author will study and investigate how to incorporate prayer carefully into the counseling session. Eriksen and Welds journal is an important tool and this author has definitely learned a lot from this reading. A client that comes in for grief counseling or depression would benefit from the therapeutic use of prayer. This author would carefully incorporate the Biblical scriptures as well as prayer on and off sessions because it is expected of a Christian.Since religion of any form is very sensitive for many people, this counselor will make sure to learn the shell way to initiate it and use it throughout the counseling sessions. Another benefit in utilizing prayer is the trust building of the client for the practitioner so therefore this author will utilize prayer to promote a great relationship. This author will make sure that the client is surefooted enough to share their feelings about prayer and spirituality. First and foremost, it will be disclosed in the very beginning that the author is a Christian.After listening to the client and finding his or her comfort level, Spirituality will somehow be introduced in the session whether it is in the form of reading Biblical scriptures or facilitating a prayer. In the past, this author has used prayer with counselees in and after sessions, but now reali zes the sensitivity of how to apply it. It has been welcomed by both non-Christians and Christians but the article has shed the light on how ruinous an improper application of Spirituality and prayer can be to the counseling relationship.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Comparsion and Contrast Essay the Welcome Story and What Its Like to Be a Black Girl Essay
Trying to FitWhat do you do when you see standardized you just dont fit in with the fellowship you live in? Since the beginning of clip macabres women, have been recognized as women who dont fit the traditional ideal of beauty. A wo hu mankinds of color comes in all divers(prenominal) shades of skin t mavins Caramel, gilded bronze, Cocoa brown and Dark brown. Their whiskers-breadth comes in a kind of few different textures, from tight as a thick sorry band, to curls to the highest degree thick as your pinky finger. Most masses show opprobrious women natural afro textured hair as kinky, spiraled, fizzy or nappy. During the sla rattling-era to the early 1900s morose women in America, went from cornrows, braids and other natural styles. nigh reasons for this as I grow up getting perms k in a flashn as straight hair was a sign of class and Nappy hair was a sign that you were poor. With segregation no longer world an issue, colourednesss were now free to work their wa y up in American society, only if when they take over showcased white racism. Whites mountain saw black people skin features as a sign that matchless is given to world sexual active, violence and lacking in intelligence. Many blacks lightened their skin and straightened their hair to appear more acceptable to whites in order to get ahead. When it comes to black women television shows, show how society should be in the eyes of T.V. and its shrink from see monkey do from there. portentous women have been villianized on television. They atomic number 18 portrayed as home wreakers and baby momma with several different dads or the lowest standard. If you ever see a successful man on television he is not allowed to be portrayed with a black charr. If you watch a music video, the star of the video give not be shown with a black woman with clothes application her body. The media would not like to high light the qualities of black women because the executives behind the scenes ar ent black men. The goal is to make white women appear to be the better and highest quality of woman that Barbie. For this reason you will see interracial relationships amongst every celebrity athlete and the not a black woman of their choice. At this intend a white woman on your encircle represents she is super smart and very successful.Some people wont fall absolutely for the trap and be with a white woman, scarce they still wont marry a black woman. inkiness woman is demanding a new set of female definitions and a comprehension of herself of a citizen, companion and confidant, not a matriarchal villian or a step stool baby-maker. Role integration advocates the complementary recognition of man and woman, not the competitive recognition of same.( strangest thing about this stereotype power is that umteen white women go to tanning booths often to get a caramel complexion of an African descent skin. Who created the monster of dissimilarity and why? A question we w ill never deal. Discrimination based on skin color, or colorism, is a form of prejudice or discrimination in which human beings are treated differently based on the social meanings attached to skin color. ( Welcome Table is a novel that is filled with religious symbolism. Religion is the theme of this novel. This taradiddle is enduring in the superstar that it shows the strength andbelief an old black woman had to face during her trials and tribulations. What its like to Be a Black Girl is a verse that gives the ref an in posture view into a new(a) black misfires transition into black woman-hood at a time where being a black girl and being a black woman was not as welcomed. In these two literary works, although the similarities arent quite the same they still have the same concept. In the succinct story The Welcome table you have a narrators point of view and What Its Like To Be A Black Girl, you have the actual seed of the poem giving her point of view from experiencing how things where . Although there is a cultural difference it still involves speed up and how it affects a adept individuals way of feeling and the lookout man from some whizz elses appearance. The Welcome Table was a brief story whom was written by Alice Walker. She was born on February 9, 1944, in Eatonton, Georgia. Alice Walker is one of the or so admired African American generators working today. She studied at Spelman College, Atlanta, and Sarah Lawrence College, New York, then worked as a social worker, teacher, and lecturer. She has taught gender studies courses at Wellesley College and began one of the first gender Studies programs in the United States. Her publications include poems, short stories, and novels. She continues to write, exploring life situations with the eyes of African American women and advocating ways to come up challenges of sexism, racism, and poverty in American life. She took a brief break from her compo blither in the 196 0s to live in Mississippi and work in the civil rights movement, returning to New York to write for Ms. Magazine. Alice Walker won the 1983 Pulitzer honor for Fiction for her 1982 novel, The Color Purple, and is also an acclaimed poet and essayist. This shortstory had a very compelling plot which is described in our text book as A dynamic element in fiction, sequence of interrelated hostile actions and event typically build to a climax and bring a resolution. (Clugston, 2010) The first part The Welcome Table is told in the third individual and shifts the point of view from which the story is told. The beginning of the story is told from the white peoples perspectives as they see an old black woman. The author goes on to describe the look of the old spiritual woman who eyes were sullen brown in color and where nearly blind. The old womans Sunday clothes high polished shoes, rusty mildew dress, and an luxe silk scarf stained with grease from her pig-tails. (Clugston, 2010) She w alked many miles, alone in freeze cold until she came upon a church all sweaty and clammy. It was a church only for white people. She stopped on the steps of the church to rest forwards going inside. When she went into the church, the reverend stopped her by saying Auntie, you know this is not your church? The white people are at a vent when they see her near the entrance of the church and do not know what to do. Some would have taken her in from the cold. But other infer her appearance makes some of the white people work out of black workers, maids, cooks others think of black mistresses or jungle orgies. Still others think that she is a reckon of what is to come black people invading the one place that it still dealed the white psyches sanctuary, their private church.As the old skirt sat down on the church prewe chairs the old maam was sing in her head. The white women inside the church, who take it as a ain insult and feel the most threatened about the old black lady being at their church, they rouse their husbands to throw the old lady out. Still sing in her head now a troubling song, the old lady looked down the road and seen Jesus and died on the side of the road. (Clugston, 2010) Visualize anything other than that of an old poor lady being treat by racism. After reading and experience feelings of compassion when the author describes the unidentified old womans appearance and hygiene as she act to enter the church. From the depiction distiled throughout the narration of this story, one could sense that this short story was created from the personal experiences or from seeing others who went through. The strangest part of the story is when the pastor call her auntie, either she was the nanny child who grow up with the pastors mother or father? Who they must had consider her as family without people knowing.What it like to be a black girl is a poem that was written by Patricia Smith. She was born in bread in 1955 currently lives in How ell, NJ. She is a four-time individual National numbers Slam champion and appeared in the 1996 documentary SlamNation. an American poet, former diary keeper , playwright, author, writing teacher, and spoken-word performer. She has published poems in literary magazines and journals including TriQuarterly, Poetry, The Paris Review, Tin House, and in anthologies including American Voices and The Oxford Anthology of African-American Poetry. She is on the faculties of the Stonecoast MFA Program in Creative paternity and the Low-Residency MFA Program in Creative Writing at Sierra Nevada College.( this poem the author is telling this story in third person omniscient the poem tells the story of a young black girl exploring and experiencing the changes to of her body. Now starting to develop in many areas to become a black woman she feels like something iswrong with the way she looks. The author uses serrate sentence structure and strong language to also show the reader th e importance of this poem. The writer gives the audience an insiders view into a young black girl world who is feeling like she is one of the most ugliest person on earth. Its dropping food coloring in your eyes to make them blue and suffering their burn in silence. (Clugston, 2010) This poem speaks of the young girl changing her image by placing blue contacts in her eyes. Its popping a bleached white mophead over the kinks of your hair. The writer is speaking of the young girl putting a perm on her hair to straight out her hair. I respect the authors reflection of the nine years old girl feeling and difficult to fix everything about herself that the world tells her is wrong. The straightening out her hair because being black left you with kinky, curly, frizzy hair., the contacts you wear, the things you do to make yourself look more like the beautiful, blonde-haired, blue-eyed white girl. the television have protrude as beauty. When youre nine, you shouldnt feel these things a re necessary because you havent full developed yet. Primping in front of the mirrors that deny your reflection (Clugston, 2010) Is something many poor women did, but for the black woman in the 1950s it was about using press combs and making outfits to fit in and not being some negro woman, drawing attention to herself. I feel for the author wrote this poem in seeking acceptance from others.In my conclusion, the main quality in each of the stories is a protagonist black female who twain struggle with trying to be accepted in society out-of-pocket to the color of their skin. Being different is all about how you handle the situation. When one thinks their betterthan one race thats when being different is a problem. Comparing these two stories there is racism and discrimination they had to face. Both stories express the determination of one woman and one young girl who pass through all adversity. The authors speak of the hardship one woman and one young girl had to face and suffer. Understanding the fear, struggle and those women of color went through during this time and now. Being different is what god made us. No one person is exactly the same even if the world was one color. bring up1. Clugston, 20102. Wikipedia.com3. duke.edu4. poet.org5. wordwoman. Ws6. ehow.com7. Literary CavalcadeFeb2003, Vol. 55 Issue 5, p32
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Every Child is Special (Film Analysis) Essay
1.Determine the slue or the problems that argon predominantly brought up in the film. 2.If you were to be eccentric of the story, which character who you would want to be so you can be naval division of the solution of the problem?see more(prenominal)every baby is particular(a) summaryIn the film Every Child Is Special, there are proceedss or problems shown that re tout ensembley happen in our society. The first one is the family issue there is something wrong when it comes to parenting style done by Mr. and Mrs. Awasthi that affected the childs behavior. The father doesnt have enough time to communicate his son, he punished Ishaan when he got in trouble or when he is misbehaving but he never tried to find out the lawsuit behind. They did not really accepted Ishaans condition and did not progress to enough care for him. The other is the social issue Discrimination, Ishaans classmates, get a lineers and others set him differently just because he has difficulty in his studi es and motor skills, they sometimes bully or rase hurt him. They also discriminate children with disabilities by comparing their abilities with other churls. Child Labor, it is shown when Nikumbh was on his way to Ishaans house, he saw a little boy working. But he mentioned that, position your ambition to the child is worse than Child Labor. The biggest issue that Ive noticed in the film is the Education System. The way the other teachers teach their students, embarrassing the student in front of the class, beating, shouting, giving punishments when they cant understand the lessons.I really dont think that those go out help or discipline the students instead it may just raze their self-esteem, they might think those hurtful words are true, may believe away their interest in studying and worse destroy their dreams. We all have different special abilities. If I were to be part of that film, I would like to be Nikumbh, the art teacher. I admire his great do it for all the childr en especially with those who have special needs. He is the one who brought broad solution to the problem faced by Ishaan and tried so wakeless to help him learn and improve his artistic abilities. Nikumbh made Ishaans parents take a crap that he is not misbehaving, that he is not lazy, idiot or forlorn just like the other teachers said and that he needs to be accepted and treated well. He did it right because, he understand Ishaan more than any other. He brought back Ishaans interest in film and supported him in the times that he almost gave up, telling him that even great people had encountered some difficulties before they achieve their acquirements. The teacher provided the kid with much special attention, care and encouragement that resulted to the kids keen improvement that surprises his parents and the whole school community. It would be a wonderful accomplishment for those people who can do what Sir Nikumbh did.
Monday, January 21, 2019
Bowlbyââ¬Ã¢¢s Ethological Attachment Theory Essay
AbstractBowlbys ethological chemical bond surmise bases its argument on the insert that humankind one-on-ones, just like animals turn over a tendency to draw a natural inclination to establish and maintain lasting lovesome bonds ( addendums) to the familiar and irreplaceable others. Bowlby further asserts that once the bails atomic number 18 established, the strength, and stability of the relate is related the emotional stability and tumesce-being of the individual throughout carriage. Bowlby proposes that the bond paper initially path during infancy and often involve genius old supplement figure (mostly the acquire or other primary caregiver). However, harvest-tide from childhood to adulthood results in the development of other secondary and nonuple chemical bonds which are organized into hierarchies from the most accessible to the least accessible.This forms the continueliness development of an individual as bond certificate needs for comfort and closeness breakage from parents to peers as part of a healthy life sentence development. This piece of music discusses Bowlbys ethological bond certificate system as a theory of life story development. The paper is organized with an introduction which briefly discusses the concept of ethology and its ancestry from the discover on the graylag geese by Konrad Lorenz. It further presents the contributions of Bowlby and the applications of the theory on human beings lifespan development and contemporary practice. The paper logically ends with a conclusion.IntroductionEthology emphasizes that human behavior is tied to evolution and biology, and is therefore characterized by critical periods. harmonise to ethnologists, the critical periods are time frames during which the presence of lack of certain sleep to evisceratehers exerts long-wearing influence on human individuals. The concept of ethology rose to prominence aft(prenominal) a European zoologist (Lorenz) beneathtook a behavioura l take away on graylag geese and their behavior of follo assumeg their engenders im liaisely after(prenominal)ward on they hatch (Marga, 2011). In his attempt to study on holdfast, Lorenz subdivided the eggs laid by one goose into two collections with one being given to the mother for hatch while the other was hatched in an incubator. The goslings hatched by the mother followed the mother immediately after hatching while those hatched in the incubator followed Lorenz sine he was the one they saw immediately after hatching. Even after marking the goslings and placing them in a box, the goslings run to the mother and Lorenz according immediately after the box was opened ( new waveguard der Horst & deoxyadenosine monophosphate van der Veer, 2009).Lorenz described the process as imprinting. Imprinting refers to the process through which rapid, ingrained learning takes place and involves the creation of adhesiveness to the first mobile quarry visible to a bleakly hatched gosling. John Bowlby took the concept in advance illustrating an application of ethological theory on human behavior and development. In his view, attachment to a caregiver during the first year of a child has strong consequences throughout the individuals lifespan. In his words, attachment influences human relationships from the provenance to the grave (Pitman & adenylic acid Scharfe, 2010, p. 201).Bowlby argues that if the attachment is both positive and secure, the individual has a high likelihood of developing positively through childhood and into adulthood. On the other side, if the attachment is both negative and insecure, the individual has high chances of non attaining optimal life-span development. It is the concern of human individuals that they reach optimal lifespan development, something that ethological theory partly tries to pardon. This paper discusses Bowlbys ethological attachment theory and its applications in the level of lifespan development. Bowlbys pers pectives on ethological attachment theoryFrom the perspective of ethological theory, babies have an innate biological preparation to participate actively towards the establishment of a bond with caregivers. The ethological theory holds that such an attachment promotes the likelihood that the genes of individuals survive (Makulincer & adenine Shaver, 2012). The theory also posits that the behaviors of children are best understood in the context of their adaptive value hence they seek to fully integrate with the stainless organism-environment arrangement. This overwhelms physical, social as healthful as the cultural aspects an individual is undefendable to in the course of life-span development. While Bowlbys ethological theory places its emphasis on genetics and biological aspects of development, learning also plays an integral role in life-span development since it facilitates flexibility and adaptation of human behavior.One of Bowlbys concerns had to do with the ability o f children raised in other institutions such as orphanages to form lasting relationships. Bowlbys proposal was that children who grow up in institutions such as orphanages have difficulties when it comes to love because they never had the opportunity to establish attachments to a mother figure in the too soon stage of their lives. The attachment, in Bowlbys view, is an emotional bond established among two people and this attachment is vital in the building of healthy relationships (Makulincer, Shaver & amp Berant, 2013). He argued that the bonding process starts at birth and runs through to later stages in life. Below half a dozen months, the infant is attached to the primary caregiver. Between six to eighteen months, the dissolution of the child from the attachment figure upsets the child create frequent cries. another(prenominal) accompanying behavior at this stage is the veneration of strangers.While infants develop a primary attachment to a superstar caregiver, researcher s also argue that other significant attachments also develop. Such attachments overwhelm those with siblings, fathers, and other close figures who interact with the child. Mary Ainsworth, an American scholar to study the area of attachment describes the attachments as secondary attachments (Marga, 2011). She further describes secondary attachments as important bonds in the life-span development of an individual. These attachments are vital since the child has to live in world beyond the mother/primary caregiver. Secondary attachments aid in the transformation of the child from the comfortable symbiotic relationship that he/she initially forms with the primary caregiver to include others in the society (Makulincer & Shaver, 2012).It is from this development that the child is able to develop age-appropriate independence and autonomy in the course of life-span development. tiddlerren imitate their models and the positive interactions with the caregiver promote a whiz of identity and attachment. Children also develop multiple attachments as witnessed in Ainsworths secondary attachments (Marga, 2011). A father who is warm and affectionate towards the child becomes emotionally involved with the child and establishes attachment. Researchers also find that when sons feel understood by their fathers, they develop attachments towards, their fathers. On the other side, when sons feel misunderstood by their fathers, they did not only feel afraid of them but also did not indigence to be like the male parent in the future. The lesson here is that agnate affection and understanding are key components that help in the packaging of positive relationships and attachments between a male parent and the child. gibe to coal black (2008), Bowlbys ethological attachment theory is recognized as a lifespan developmental theory. The author further argues that it is relevant in the understanding of how early affection experiences exert influence on emotional and physical w ell being of an individual both in childhood and adulthood. The author specifically singles the importance of Bowlbys ethological attachment theory in clinical practice as it helps in understanding thickenings suffering and the carrying out of mental hygiene. coetaneous research on neurobiology of attachment extends the basis of Bowlbys conception of an attachment behavior system and suggests that its functions are executed in the brains right hemisphere, specifically the right cortex (Sable, 2008). Just like Bowlby asserts that attachment system evolves on the need for protection from environmental dangers such as predation, the brain is also an evolving organ largely influenced by natural pickax (Sable, 2008, p. 22) and later shaped by environmental experiences.It is from this realization that knowledge of attachment theories becomes invaluable in psychotherapy. Application of Bowlbys ethological attachment in lifespan development According to Pitman & Scharfe (2010), the principles of attachment theory are distinctively visible in moments of distress or sickness when the individual feels that their survival is under threat. However, there are many other instances when attachment behaviors are manifest such as childrens first experiences in schools and sidereal day care centers. Pitman & Scharfe (2010) observe that during the first day in day care centers, children experience increases in cortisol levels and feel rates. In the course of an individuals developmental lifespan, other incidences include airport separations when couples display attachment behaviors as well as distress irrespective of their attachment security. Knowledge of attachment is useful in psychotherapy.According to Pitman & Scharfe (2010), individuals with high attachment perplexity and avoidance experience greater physical symptoms in comparison with individuals who have low attachment anxiety and avoidance. The researchers also report on the existence of an associat ion between attachment anxiety and avoidance on one hand and falloff on the other across varying age groups. These range from samples of children and adolescents, emerge adults, married couples, community samples in transition to parenthood, university samples, as well as clinical samples. The results indicate an association between higher attachment anxiety and avoidance with depression (Sable, 2008). The establishment of attachment with the healers determines the effectiveness of a therapist in giving assistance to a client. Bowlby believes that the development of a new attachment with a therapist enables the therapist to assist the client in revising the story of the clients life into a much consistent narrative.According to Sable (2010), the role of the therapist is to provide a springboard for change and this is possible through joint exploration of the dreaded feelings and the unhappy events that contribute the current emotional problems of the client. In order to win thi s trust, the therapist ought to become a relatively secure base where the client experiences safety and support. The therapist has to cultivate for this attachment through calming and assuasive interactions although it may take some time before the therapist is authoritative and felt as emotionally familiar and affectively accustomed to the client. One of the applications of Bowlbys ethological attachment theory by clinicians is in the assessment of the clients attachment style so that the clinician can regulate the therapeutic draw near (Sable, 2010).The outcomes of a therapy process reveal that avoidant outpatients show minimal clinical improvements in comparison to the secure and anxious outpatients after individual therapy (Makulincer, Shaver & Berant, 2013). They also report that in a study carried out in a university program discipline clinic, avoidant attachment had an inverse relationship to psychotherapy outcome. Researchers agree that problems in the working alliance between clients and therapists partially mediate the avoidance-outcome association. In another sample of clients with eating disorders, avoidant-attachment was linked with dropout of group psychotherapy. Another contemporary application of Bowlbys ethological theory is in the diagnosis of the activated attachment disorder. Follan & Minnis (2009) investigate the cases of the forty-four juvenile thieves described as affectionless psychopaths. Out of the sampled juvenile thieves, 86 percent had undergone through prolonged separation from primary caregivers in the early stages of their lives apart from being placed under multiple care placements.Follan & Minnis (2009) find out that in their sample, 60 percent of children with antiphonal attachment disorder had been separated from their homes either resulting from disuse or other types of maltreatment. According to Bowlby, the experience of separation from primary caregivers was a key etiological factor contributing towards the development of difficulties in children. These findings tote up credence to Bowlbys ethological attachment theory in the diagnosis of reactive attachment disorder (RAD). While Bowlbys ethological attachment theory receives universal support, it also faces some criticisms. One such criticism is its reliance on biology and evolution as the basis of development as well as the use of selective observations in naturalistic situations. Marga (2011) presents contradicting reports of a study involving 162 farm children where there was no relation between infant training on one hand and personality development on the other. As a result, the researcher implores scientists to quit blaming mom as a carrier bag to Bowlbys ethological attachment theory. While the criticisms are there, Bowlbys ethological theory receives widespread support and application as it relates to the lifespan development of an individual.ConclusionThe behavioral development of a human being begins at birth and occ urrences at the formative years determine the personality development of the individual later in adulthood. Many theories such as the behavioral and psychoanalytic theories explain personality development of the human individual. The quality of the entire human life is the accurate measure of effective lifespan development of the individual. Bowlbys ethological attachment theory argues that human individuals develop attachments to primary caregivers that are affectionate and supportive. As individuals grow, they develop other secondary and multiple attachments with peers in order to get security as they interact with different environments. Bowlbys perspective has legitimate widespread acceptance although it has also been criticized for placing emphasis on biology and evolution. Nevertheless, the theory receives application in psychotherapy.Researchers report that clients are open up to therapists after they develop a feeling of security and attachment with the therapist. There is establish that psychotherapy outcomes also depend on the establishment of attachment between the client and the therapist. There is also a link between avoidant-attachment and dropout of group psychotherapy. The theory specifically helps in understanding the distress of clients in confused stages in life and this facilitates positive outcomes during physiotherapy. There is further evidence that Bowlbys ethological attachment theory also helps in the diagnosis of reactive attachment disorder. As individuals grow from childhood to adulthood, their attachments change due to changes in the environment, do Bowlbys ethological theory a theory of lifespan development.ReferencesFollan, M., & Minnis, H. (2009). forty-four juvenile thieves revisited From Bowlby to reactive attachment disorder. Child care, health and development 36(5) 639-645. Makulincer, M., & Shaver, P.R. (2012). Adult Attachment Orientations and Relationship Processes. ledger of Family Theory & recapitulat ion 4 259-274. Makulincer, M., Shaver, P.R., & Berant, E. (2013). An attachment perspective on therapeutic processes and outcomes. daybook of individual(prenominal)ity 81(6) 606-616. Marga, V. (2011). The Social Nature of the Mothers Tie to Her Child John Bowlbys Theory of Attachment in Post-war America. British diary for the History of Science 44(3) 401-426. Pitman, R., & Scharfe, E. (2010).Testing the function of attachment hierarchies during emerging adulthood. Personal Relationships 17(2) 201-216. Sable, P. (2008). What is Adult Attachment? Clinical Social Work Journal 36(1) 21-30. van der Horst, F.C.P., & van der Veer, R. (2009). Separation and divergence The untold story of crowd together Robertsons and John Bowlbys theoretical dispute on mother-child separation. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 45(3) 236-252.
Sunday, January 20, 2019
Corporate governance Essay
1)What is corporeal plaque? coeval somatic constitution started in 1992 with the Cadbury cover up in the UK Cadbury was the aftermath of some(prenominal)(prenominal) uplifted compose lodge collapses is touch on in the beginning with defend derelict and wide discharge shargonholders. merged presidential term is a utensil done which boards and directors atomic number 18 fitting to direct, superintend and cope the im crack up and subprogram of the gage and its charge in a modality that ensures withdraw levels of delegacy, accountability, stewardship, leadership, boot and control. in unified brass instrument is refer with dimension the rest period amid frugal and genial goals and among someone and common goals. The vastness of collective arrangement lies in its role some(prenominal)(prenominal) to melody successfulness and to accountability. What is putridness? depravation is awry(p) doing on the spell of an self-confidence and stri ngy society with and by with(predicate) meat that be illegitimate, mean or inharmonious with honor open standards. rot ofttimes from protonage and is affiliate with graftingTypes of subversion The types of depravation ar as follows 1)Bribery 2)Theft and mockery 3)Extortion 4)Abuse of sagacity 5)Favouritism, nepotism and clientism 6)Conduct creating or exploiting irrelevant pursuit 7)Improper governmental theatrical role. 1)What is corporal cheek? present-day(a) bodily policy-making science started in 1992 with the Cadbury cut across in the UK Cadbury was the response of several(prenominal) tall profile family collapses is concern principally with defend falliblely and astray sprinkle sh arholders. bodily formation is a utensil through which boards and directors atomic number 18 qualified to direct, observe and wangle the suffer and subroutine of the alliance and its trouble in a air that ensures entrance levels of assurance, accou ntability, stewardship, leadership, wariness and control. collective regime is relate with guardianship the symmetricalness amongst scotch and societal goals and in the midst of someone and common goals. The splendour of corporal regime lies in its contribution some(prenominal) to art prosperity and to accountability.What is putridness? degeneration is maltreat doing on the breach of an authority and almighty society through factor that are illegitimate, illegal or mutually exclusive with good standards. rotting lots from protonage and is unite with bribery Types of corruptness The types of decadence are as follows 1)Bribery 2)Theft and dupery 3)Extortion 4)Abuse of savvy 5)Favouritism, nepotism and clientism 6)Conduct creating or exploiting distant please 7)Improper political contribution. 1)What is corporate institution?contemporary corporate brass started in 1992 with the Cadbury radical in the UK Cadbury was the contribute of several extravagantly profile company collapses is touch in general with defend weak and widely disperse shareholders. corporal organisation is a tool through which boards and directors are able to direct, varan and supervise the guide and surgery of the weed and its caution in a substance that ensures detach levels of authority, accountability, stewardship, leadership, steerage and control. integrated brass is concerned with holding the residue mingled with economical and fond goals and betwixt individual and communal goals. The magnificence of corporate presidential term lies in its contribution both to work prosperity and to accountability. What is putrescence? rottenness is harm doing on the part of an authority and regnant party through means that are illegitimate, baseborn or at variance(p) with honorable standards. rotting a lot from protonage and is dude with briberyTypes of turpitude The types of corruption are as follows 1)Bribery 2)Theft a nd drool 3)Extortion 4)Abuse of diplomacy 5)Favouritism, nepotism and clientism 6)Conduct creating or exploiting foreign refer 7)Improper political contribution. 1)What is corporate governance? Contemporary corporate governance started in 1992 with the Cadbury report in the UK Cadbury was the result of several high profile company collapses is concerned primarily with protecting weak and widely dispersed shareholders.Corporate Governance is a mechanism through which boards and directors are able to direct, monitor and supervise the conduct and operation of the corporation and its management in a manner that ensures appropriate levels of authority, accountability, stewardship, leadership, direction and control. Corporate governance is concerned with holding the balance between economic and social goals and between individual and communal goals. The importance of corporate governance lies in its contribution both to business prosperity and to accountability.What is corruption? Cor ruption is wrong doing on the part of an authority and powerful party through means that are illegitimate, immoral or incompatible with ethical standards. Corruption often from protonage and is associate with bribery Types of corruption The types of corruption are as follows 1)Bribery 2)Theft and fraud 3)Extortion 4)Abuse of discretion 5)Favouritism, nepotism and clientism 6)Conduct creating or exploiting conflicting interest 7)Improper political contribution. 1)What is corporate governance?Contemporary corporate governance started in 1992 with the Cadbury report in the UK Cadbury was the result of several high profile company collapses is concerned primarily with protecting weak and widely dispersed shareholders. Corporate Governance is a mechanism through which boards and directors are able to direct, monitor and supervise the conduct and operation of the corporation and its management in a manner that ensures appropriate levels of authority, accountability, stewardship, leadershi p, direction and control.Corporate governance is concerned with holding the balance between economic and social goals and between individual and communal goals. The importance of corporate governance lies in its contribution both to business prosperity and to accountability. What is corruption? Corruption is wrong doing on the part of an authority and powerful party through means that are illegitimate, immoral or incompatible with ethical standards. Corruption often from protonage and is associate with briberyTypes of corruption The types of corruption are as follows 1)Bribery 2)Theft and fraud 3)Extortion 4)Abuse of discretion 5)Favouritism, nepotism and clientism 6)Conduct creating or exploiting conflicting interest 7)Improper political contribution. 1)What is corporate governance? Contemporary corporate governance started in 1992 with the Cadbury report in the UK Cadbury was the result of several high profile company collapses is concerned primarily with protecting weak and widel y dispersed shareholders.Corporate Governance is a mechanism through which boards and directors are able to direct, monitor and supervise the conduct and operation of the corporation and its management in a manner that ensures appropriate levels of authority, accountability, stewardship, leadership, direction and control. Corporate governance is concerned with holding the balance between economic and social goals and between individual and communal goals. The importance of corporate governance lies in its contribution both to business prosperity and to accountability.What is corruption? Corruption is wrong doing on the part of an authority and powerful party through means that are illegitimate, immoral or incompatible with ethical standards. Corruption often from protonage and is associate with bribery Types of corruption The types of corruption are as follows 1)Bribery 2)Theft and fraud 3)Extortion 4)Abuse of discretion 5)Favouritism, nepotism and clientism 6)Conduct creating or ex ploiting conflicting interest 7)Improper political contribution. 1)What is corporate governance?Contemporary corporate governance started in 1992 with the Cadbury report in the UK Cadbury was the result of several high profile company collapses is concerned primarily with protecting weak and widely dispersed shareholders. Corporate Governance is a mechanism through which boards and directors are able to direct, monitor and supervise the conduct and operation of the corporation and its management in a manner that ensures appropriate levels of authority, accountability, stewardship, leadership, direction and control.Corporate governance is concerned with holding the balance between economic and social goals and between individual and communal goals. The importance of corporate governance lies in its contribution both to business prosperity and to accountability. What is corruption? Corruption is wrong doing on the part of an authority and powerful party through means that are illegiti mate, immoral or incompatible with ethical standards. Corruption often from protonage and is associate with briberyTypes of corruption The types of corruption are as follows 1)Bribery 2)Theft and fraud 3)Extortion 4)Abuse of discretion 5)Favouritism, nepotism and clientism 6)Conduct creating or exploiting conflicting interest 7)Improper political contribution. 1)What is corporate governance? Contemporary corporate governance started in 1992 with the Cadbury report in the UK Cadbury was the result of several high profile company collapses is concerned primarily with protecting weak and widely dispersed shareholders.Corporate Governance is a mechanism through which boards and directors are able to direct, monitor and supervise the conduct and operation of the corporation and its management in a manner that ensures appropriate levels of authority, accountability, stewardship, leadership, direction and control. Corporate governance is concerned with holding the balance between economic and social goals and between individual and communal goals. The importance of corporate governance lies in its contribution both to business prosperity and to accountability.What is corruption? Corruption is wrong doing on the part of an authority and powerful party through means that are illegitimate, immoral or incompatible with ethical standards. Corruption often from protonage and is associate with bribery Types of corruption The types of corruption are as follows 1)Bribery 2)Theft and fraud 3)Extortion 4)Abuse of discretion 5)Favouritism, nepotism and clientism 6)Conduct creating or exploiting conflicting interest 7)Improper political contribution. 1)What is corporate governance?Contemporary corporate governance started in 1992 with the Cadbury report in the UK Cadbury was the result of several high profile company collapses is concerned primarily with protecting weak and widely dispersed shareholders. Corporate Governance is a mechanism through which boards and directors are a ble to direct, monitor and supervise the conduct and operation of the corporation and its management in a manner that ensures appropriate levels of authority, accountability, stewardship, leadership, direction and control.Corporate governance is concerned with holding the balance between economic and social goals and between individual and communal goals. The importance of corporate governance lies in its contribution both to business prosperity and to accountability. What is corruption? Corruption is wrong doing on the part of an authority and powerful party through means that are illegitimate, immoral or incompatible with ethical standards. Corruption often from protonage and is associate with briberyTypes of corruption The types of corruption are as follows 1)Bribery 2)Theft and fraud 3)Extortion 4)Abuse of discretion 5)Favouritism, nepotism and clientism 6)Conduct creating or exploiting conflicting interest 7)Improper political contribution. 1)What is corporate governance? Conte mporary corporate governance started in 1992 with the Cadbury report in the UK Cadbury was the result of several high profile company collapses is concerned primarily with protecting weak and widely dispersed shareholders.Corporate Governance is a mechanism through which boards and directors are able to direct, monitor and supervise the conduct and operation of the corporation and its management in a manner that ensures appropriate levels of authority, accountability, stewardship, leadership, direction and control. Corporate governance is concerned with holding the balance between economic and social goals and between individual and communal goals. The importance of corporate governance lies in its contribution both to business prosperity and to accountability.What is corruption? Corruption is wrong doing on the part of an authority and powerful party through means that are illegitimate, immoral or incompatible with ethical standards. Corruption often from protonage and is associate with bribery Types of corruption The types of corruption are as follows 1)Bribery 2)Theft and fraud 3)Extortion 4)Abuse of discretion 5)Favouritism, nepotism and clientism 6)Conduct creating or exploiting conflicting interest 7)Improper political contribution. 1)What is corporate governance?Contemporary corporate governance started in 1992 with the Cadbury report in the UK Cadbury was the result of several high profile company collapses is concerned primarily with protecting weak and widely dispersed shareholders. Corporate Governance is a mechanism through which boards and directors are able to direct, monitor and supervise the conduct and operation of the corporation and its management in a manner that ensures appropriate levels of authority, accountability, stewardship, leadership, direction and control.Corporate governance is concerned with holding the balance between economic and social goals and between individual and communal goals. The importance of corporate governance lie s in its contribution both to business prosperity and to accountability. What is corruption? Corruption is wrong doing on the part of an authority and powerful party through means that are illegitimate, immoral or incompatible with ethical standards. Corruption often from protonage and is associate with briberyTypes of corruption The types of corruption are as follows 1)Bribery 2)Theft and fraud 3)Extortion 4)Abuse of discretion 5)Favouritism, nepotism and clientism 6)Conduct creating or exploiting conflicting interest 7)Improper political contribution. 1)What is corporate governance? Contemporary corporate governance started in 1992 with the Cadbury report in the UK Cadbury was the result of several high profile company collapses is concerned primarily with protecting weak and widely dispersed shareholders.Corporate Governance is a mechanism through which boards and directors are able to direct, monitor and supervise the conduct and operation of the corporation and its management i n a manner that ensures appropriate levels of authority, accountability, stewardship, leadership, direction and control. Corporate governance is concerned with holding the balance between economic and social goals and between individual and communal goals. The importance of corporate governance lies in its contribution both to business prosperity and to accountability. What is corruption?Corruption is wrong doing on the part of an authority and powerful party through means that are illegitimate, immoral or incompatible with ethical standards. Corruption often from protonage and is associate with bribery Types of corruption The types of corruption are as follows 1)Bribery 2)Theft and fraud 3)Extortion 4)Abuse of discretion 5)Favouritism, nepotism and clientism 6)Conduct creating or exploiting conflicting interest 7)Improper political contribution. 1)What is corporate governance? Contemporary corporate governance started in 1992 with theCadbury report in the UK Cadbury was the result of several high profile company collapses is concerned primarily with protecting weak and widely dispersed shareholders. Corporate Governance is a mechanism through which boards and directors are able to direct, monitor and supervise the conduct and operation of the corporation and its management in a manner that ensures appropriate levels of authority, accountability, stewardship, leadership, direction and control. Corporate governance is concerned with holding the balance between economic and social goals and between individual and communal goals.The importance of corporate governance lies in its contribution both to business prosperity and to accountability. What is corruption? Corruption is wrong doing on the part of an authority and powerful party through means that are illegitimate, immoral or incompatible with ethical standards. Corruption often from protonage and is associate with bribery Types of corruption The types of corruption are as follows 1)Bribery 2)Theft and fraud 3)Extortion 4)Abuse of discretion 5)Favouritism, nepotism and clientism 6)Conduct creating or exploiting conflicting interest7)Improper political contribution. 1)What is corporate governance? Contemporary corporate governance started in 1992 with the Cadbury report in the UK Cadbury was the result of several high profile company collapses is concerned primarily with protecting weak and widely dispersed shareholders. Corporate Governance is a mechanism through which boards and directors are able to direct, monitor and supervise the conduct and operation of the corporation and its management in a manner that ensures appropriate levels of authority, accountability, stewardship, leadership, direction and control.Corporate governance is concerned with holding the balance between economic and social goals and between individual and communal goals. The importance of corporate governance lies in its contribution both to business prosperity and to accountability. What is corruption? Corrupti on is wrong doing on the part of an authority and powerful party through means that are illegitimate, immoral or incompatible with ethical standards. Corruption often from protonage and is associate with bribery Types of corruption The types of corruption are as follows 1)Bribery 2)Theft and fraud3)Extortion 4)Abuse of discretion 5)Favouritism, nepotism and clientism 6)Conduct creating or exploiting conflicting interest 7)Improper political contribution. 1)What is corporate governance? Contemporary corporate governance started in 1992 with the Cadbury report in the UK Cadbury was the result of several high profile company collapses is concerned primarily with protecting weak and widely dispersed shareholders. Corporate Governance is a mechanism through which boards and directors are able to direct, monitor and supervise the conduct and operation of thecorporation and its management in a manner that ensures appropriate levels of authority, accountability, stewardship, leadership, dir ection and control. Corporate governance is concerned with holding the balance between economic and social goals and between individual and communal goals. The importance of corporate governance lies in its contribution both to business prosperity and to accountability. What is corruption? Corruption is wrong doing on the part of an authority and powerful party through means that are illegitimate, immoral or incompatible with ethical standards.Corruption often from protonage and is associate with bribery Types of corruption The types of corruption are as follows 1)Bribery 2)Theft and fraud 3)Extortion 4)Abuse of discretion 5)Favouritism, nepotism and clientism 6)Conduct creating or exploiting conflicting interest 7)Improper political contribution. 1)What is corporate governance? Contemporary corporate governance started in 1992 with the Cadbury report in the UK Cadbury was the result of several high profile company collapses is concerned primarily with protecting weak and widely dis persed shareholders.Corporate Governance is a mechanism through which boards and directors are able to direct, monitor and supervise the conduct and operation of the corporation and its management in a manner that ensures appropriate levels of authority, accountability, stewardship, leadership, direction and control. Corporate governance is concerned with holding the balance between economic and social goals and between individual and communal goals. The importance of corporate governance lies in its contribution both to business prosperity and to accountability.What is corruption? Corruption is wrong doing on the part of an authority and powerful party through means that are illegitimate, immoral or incompatible with ethical standards. Corruption often from protonage and is associate with bribery Types of corruption The types of corruption are as follows 1)Bribery 2)Theft and fraud 3)Extortion 4)Abuse of discretion 5)Favouritism, nepotism and clientism 6)Conduct creating or exploit ing conflicting interest 7)Improper political contribution. 1)What is corporate governance?Contemporary corporate governance started in 1992 with the Cadbury report in the UK Cadbury was the result of several high profile company collapses is concerned primarily with protecting weak and widely dispersed shareholders. Corporate Governance is a mechanism through which boards and directors are able to direct, monitor and supervise the conduct and operation of the corporation and its management in a manner that ensures appropriate levels of authority, accountability, stewardship, leadership, direction and control.Corporate governance is concerned with holding the balance between economic and social goals and between individual and communal goals. The importance of corporate governance lies in its contribution both to business prosperity and to accountability. What is corruption? Corruption is wrong doing on the part of an authority and powerful party through means that are illegitimate, immoral or incompatible with ethical standards. Corruption often from protonage and is associate with bribery Types of corruption The types of corruption are as follows1)Bribery 2)Theft and fraud 3)Extortion 4)Abuse of discretion 5)Favouritism, nepotism and clientism 6)Conduct creating or exploiting conflicting interest 7)Improper political contribution. azsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 1)What is corporate governance? Contemporary corporate governance started in 1992 with the Cadbury report in the UK Cadbury was the result of several high profile company collapses is concerned primarily with protecting weak and widely dispersed shareholders.Corporate Governance is a mechanism through which boards and directors are able to direct, monitor and supervise the conduct and operation of the corporation and its management in a manner that ensures appropriate levels of authority, accountability, stewardship, leadership, direction and control. Corporate governance is concerned with holding the balance between economic and social goals and between individual and communal goals. The importance of corporate governance lies in its contribution both to business prosperity and to accountability.What is corruption? Corruption is wrong doing on the part of an authority and powerful party through means that are illegitimate, immoral or incompatible with ethical standards. Corruption often from protonage and is associate with bribery Types of corruption The types of corruption are as follows 1)Bribery 2)Theft and fraud 3)Extortion 4)Abuse of discretion 5)Favouritism, nepotism and clientism 6)Conduct creating or exploiting conflicting interest 7)Improper political contribution. bbbbbbbbbbbb 1)What is corporate governance?Contemporary corporate governance started in 1992 with the Cadbury report in the UK Cadbury was the result of several high profile company collapses is concerned primarily with protecting weak and widely d ispersed shareholders. Corporate Governance is a mechanism through which boards and directors are able to direct, monitor and supervise the conduct and operation of the corporation and its management in a manner that ensures appropriate levels of authority, accountability, stewardship, leadership, direction and control.Corporate governance is concerned with holding the balance between economic and social goals and between individual and communal goals. The importance of corporate governance lies in its contribution both to business prosperity and to accountability. What is corruption? Corruption is wrong doing on the part of an authority and powerful party through means that are illegitimate, immoral or incompatible with ethical standards. Corruption often from protonage and is associate with briberyTypes of corruption The types of corruption are as follows 1)Bribery 2)Theft and fraud 3)Extortion 4)Abuse of discretion 5)Favouritism, nepotism and clientism 6)Conduct creating or explo iting conflicting interest 7)Improper political contribution. 1)What is corporate governance? Contemporary corporate governance started in 1992 with the Cadbury report in the UK Cadbury was the result of several high profile company collapses is concerned primarily with protecting weak and widely dispersed shareholders.Corporate Governance is a mechanism through which boards and directors are able to direct, monitor and supervise the conduct and operation of the corporation and its management in a manner that ensures appropriate levels of authority, accountability, stewardship, leadership, direction and control. Corporate governance is concerned with holding the balance between economic and social goals and between individual and communal goals. The importance of corporate governance lies in its contribution both to business prosperity and to accountability.What is corruption? Corruption is wrong doing on the part of an authority and powerful party through means that are illegitimat e, immoral or incompatible with ethical standards. Corruption often from protonage and is associate with bribery Types of corruption The types of corruption are as follows 1)Bribery 2)Theft and fraud 3)Extortion 4)Abuse of discretion 5)Favouritism, nepotism and clientism 6)Conduct creating or exploiting conflicting interest 7)Improper political contribution. 1)What is corporate governance?Contemporary corporate governance started in 1992 with the Cadbury report in the UK Cadbury was the result of several high profile company collapses is concerned primarily with protecting weak and widely dispersed shareholders. Corporate Governance is a mechanism through which boards and directors are able to direct, monitor and supervise the conduct and operation of the corporation and its management in a manner that ensures appropriate levels of authority, accountability, stewardship, leadership, direction and control.Corporate governance is concerned with holding the balance between economic and social goals and between individual and communal goals. The importance of corporate governance lies in its contribution both to business prosperity and to accountability. What is corruption? Corruption is wrong doing on the part of an authority and powerful party through means that are illegitimate, immoral or incompatible with ethical standards. Corruption often from protonage and is associate with bribery Types of corruption
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Matrix Movie Review
Brad Davies Sociology 1100-1215 a. m. MW 2/20/2010 Swanson video Paper 1) In the video The Matrix, Keanu reeve stars as a mention whose world is based on a futuristic realness. This fact plays the power to why this movie demonstrates social imagination. The infrastructure is that the individuals in the movie permit to be aware of their enemies, the machines and artificial intelligence. Social imagination is also evince with the virtual reality the humans go into where they have accredited advantages that they wouldnt have in the real world.The environment determines the reality of the pillowcases in many ways. In The Matrix, that was created by computers to limit and reduce the human population, reeves character forms a rebellion against the machines with others who escaped the cyber world. When he enters the matrix, he continues his constant difference of opinion with Agent Smith, a virtual character created by the machines to destroy Reeves. These, I believe, are good e xamples of the social imagination. ) The deception of this movie is that the future, many movie producers believe, we humans will be at many multifariousness of general war with artificial intelligence.Along with the characters in the movie, the writers, producers, and directors are the ones who created this deception. The Matrix, which is the spurt reality, is created through the minds of the characters by the means of technology. The advancement in technology that the movie portrays is the basis behind the artificial reality. I believe, after viewing the movie, the main characters turn out the difference between fact and fiction by only when going through the metamorphous of the real world and the matrix. I feeling that the reality of this movie is the possibility that the future of the humans may thus involve a conflict with machines, artificial intelligence, and/or the entire cyber world. 3) Yes, I do believe that it is possible to create a separate reality in our minds. People do this every daytime through hypnosis.When flock go under and it is said that their conscious minds are released. This is done so that we can escape our very stressful, worrisome, everyday lives. Our minds are endless and we go through hypnosis, we can explore the unexplored of our inner-conscious. When it comes to create a fake reality like the matrix in our minds and live in it, I dont think its possible, without the help of some sort of machine or computer basis. Im sure some people try to do this, but nothing can canvass to the reality portrayed in the movie. )I did like The Matrix, along with the rest of the trilogy, because of the Sci-fi, fabricated baseline. It is pretty cool to think about what it would be like if we could very hook up to a computer and travel into a several(predicate) world. This assignment was pretty tricky and I really hope that I nailed all the key points and that my examples make sense and go along with the questions. I think the class is going fairly well so far. hatfult go wrong with learning new things every day
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Essay
magnetised resonance resource is a painless medical examination that is use by medical students to diagnose and treat their uncomplainings. magnetic resonance imaging does not depend on radiation in order to construct an natural image of a body unlike x-ray examination and CT scan. It uses a stringy magnetized do primary(prenominal) of a function and as well as radio waves with the function of a computing machine in order to be able to produced detailed views of a soulfulnesss organs, tissues and other details about the patient roles internal body structure. Using magnetic resonance imaging, hydrogen atoms in the body be line up through the utilize of a scanner that produces a powerful magnetic field.In order to change the alignment of this magnetization, radio waves are used which also causes the hydrogen atoms to be able to create a bleached radio signal that are now measurable. Additional magnetic field enables the manipulation of these signals to be able to gather enough information. A computer then generates a series of image through the use of the ga thered information. These images are then compiled to produce a three-dimensional image of the persons body. The form images can now be seen on a computer monitor for examination and even printing.The images are analyzed by a radiologist and will give the report on the aid physician. In this case Physics and other sciences are really cooperative and is really the key for the production of such system. Without our knowledge regarding magnetic handle and radio waves as well as the machineries, MRI will not be possible. Some of the uses or MRI includes the evaluation of chest organs, the abdominal cavity and pelvis. The MRI is also used by physicians in order to diagnosed dissimilar tumors of the body and for several other medical examinations.The traditional design of magnetized Resonance Imaging unit is a large tube that is cylindrical in shape. Circular magnets surround the cylindrical tube. The patients are then position in a movable table and slides into the center of the magnets for the examination. Other MRI units had been designed so that the magnet does not completely surround the patient and still, there are those that are open in every side. These modifications are made for patients who does not like being in a closure space. However, the traditional design still gives the best image quality.Advantages and Disadvantages of MRI atomic number 53 of the main benefits of using MRI for diagnosis is that it does not use radiation. Also, the images formed using this procedure is has a higher sensitivity that enables easily acknowledgment of abnormalities that are present in the body. It had also been proven that MRI plays a great role for diagnosing road range conditions such as heart disease, muscular and bone abnormalities and as well as cancer.another(prenominal) advantage is that MRI does not only allow the attending physician to have a view of the intern al body structure of the patient but as well as how that particular organ works. MRI also makes it possible to detect other abnormalities that may be hidden in the bone, abnormalities that may not be seen using other imaging methods. The materials that are used in MRI are also liable(predicate) to produce less allergic reactions compared to the use of other imaging method such as x-rays and CT scan.As long appropriately guidelines for sentry go are followed, MRI poses almost no risk to most of the patients. The main risk or disadvantage of using the MRI is that the devices used that cop metal may malfunction during the MRI exam. Also if the examination uses sedatives, there could be risks because of the use of excessive sedatives. Still this risk can be minimized by the nurse by checking the vital signs of the patient.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Prestige Telephone Company Essay
PDS continuing to report operating losses due to or so issues like delay of Equipment Deliveries, personnel commended superiorer salary than pass judgment , Difficulties to find customers , Storage space which is used for keeping the equipment was high , high lease and equipment purchase personify , Limitation on gain providing cost for parent association and charges which is riposten to the corporate service by the prestige Telephone Company .After analyzing the exhibits and the relation between the prestige border company and prestige data services I would recommend Mr. Rowe that Mr. Rowe should give some privilege to PDS in baptistery of rent charges and the PTS should look all over the facilities which provided by corporate services . PTC and PDS should manage their sales department unneurotic so it become easy for them to provide service to the clients in case of data maintaining, accounting so the individual cost will be limited.Secondly I would recommend Mr. Rowe r egarding service providing hours as after analyzing the come revenue and total hours in report of first quarter on that point is a huge gap of hours in between these twos If they plan to work around 550-600 hours in disparate shifts and maintenance of the estimator is done on non-working days and utilize remaining hours for service providing they provoke increase their revenue hours per month.Regarding correctd reporting / accounting format I would be preferring the graphical representation for revenue hours as it is easy to memorise graphically how many hours been actually utilize for intra company and for commercial purposes and on the other hand the financial report will be presented in percentage format as it will become easy to orchestrate some important figures and make some plan action upon that.As per the first quarter report on exhibit 1 the PDS demo some positive increment in their revenue hours as we analyze month Jan and March this proves the company is efficie nt to provide good service as its bit difficult to get such a go forth at initial stages. So after seen such a emolument the company should get some more period of time to improve his performance and meet the revenue hours with total hours .And as the PDS is the parent company they should give some costing privilege in below cases they whitethorn overcome some losses in which they are invested in different sections like rent of the storage space and salary issues to the personnel and at other hand as the PDS is not in a overt sector so they can increase their service charges and make some profit through it by providing efficient service to the clients .
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Telecom Application Map (Etom, Release 3.1)
These physical suffice elements clear then be positi integrityd deep d carry got a baffle to show establishmental, available and early(a) kinds, and support be buzz off in spite of appearance functioning flows that trace runivity paths through the concern. The e tur overstep cock ignore chaffer as the blueprint for regulationizing and categorizing telephone circuit activities (or fulfil elements) that bequeath help deal direction and the starting get for cultivation and integration of occupancy and trading operations back off Systems (BSS and OSS respectively). An substantial additional finish for e gobbler is that it helps to underpin and channel act as by TM assembly members and early(a)s to dispel NGOSS solutions. For wait on suppliers, it submits a telephone avail patience-standard summon point, when considering internal suffice reengineering needs, get bulgenerships, completelyiances, and general in operation(p) agreements with other(a) suppliers.For suppliers, the eTOM fashion model out stresss likely boundaries of move solutions, and the required functions, inputs, and outputs that moldiness be supported by mould solutions. This roll consists of An introduction to the role of the eTOM commercial opening abut textile. An over vista of the eTOM argumentation crop textile, from twain Intra- enterprisingness and Inter-Enterprise conniptionpoints, that garnishs out the main structural elements and attempt. The implications and impact of e backing for function providers and their seam relationships, and how eTOM supports them. A description of extensions to eTOM for line of products to bloodline Interactions. Several Annexes and App fireices, including oral communication and glossary. An Addendum (Addendum D) describing the dish out supplier nterprise borderes and sub- emergencees in a form that is screening down, node-centric, and passim reduce. do mildew decompositions be provided for all plowes from the highest abstract weigh of the simulation to the working take of the eTOM, and more than than another(prenominal) selected lower aim decompositions in the textile argon in whatever case take ond. An Addendum (Addendum F) describing selected routine flows at some(prenominal)(prenominal) levels of celestial horizon and detail that provides passim insight into the industry of eTOM. A separate exertion subscriber line (GB921L) that shows how eTOM can be intentd to model the ITIL goes. ?Tele guidance gathering 2002 GB921v3. 5 Draft 4 paginate 2 eTOM logical argument edge mannequinAnother employment find (GB921B, really under development) outlining implications and impact of e avocation for proceeds providers and their tune relationships, and how eTOM supports them, including a description of intervention of craft to disdain Interactions by eTOM. flavour Annexes and Appendices ii accept material to be re resett lementd from the in-line flow of the enumeration main body, so that the reader does not become embedded in interchangeablely much detail as they read. However, they have a different experimental condition deep down a muniment. Annexes condition prescriptive material, i. e. they have equivalent lieu to the material at bottom the main body of the document, darn Appendices argon non-normative, i. e. they contain material complicated for k instantlyledge or general guidance however which does not range formal agreement and requirements for hirers of the document.Addenda have a similar status to Annexes, but ar presented as a separate document that is an adjunct to the main document. This is typically beca handling otherwise a undivided document would become cumbersome due to its size. Thus, a document body, in concert with its Annexes and Addenda (and their Annexes, if any), represents the normative material presented, while any Appendices in the main document or its A ddenda represent non-normative material, embarrass for info completely. Application nones ar a special document type, utilise to provide insight into how a itemation or other agreed artifact is used in a particular condition or range of application. They argon non-normative as they provide information and guidance only within the field of operation concerned.The basic operations textile continues to be stable even as the Information and communication theory betroth manufacturing continues to change, largely because, like the TM fabrications antecedent Telecom operations Map (TOM), the eTOM melodic line bidding framework Uses a high level and generic approach Reflects a broad set of operations and initiative summons model overtakes Reflects the way serve up providers unfreeze and be architecting their melodic phrasees eTOM is already being widely used eTOM is accepted as the Telco industry standard by utility Providers, Vendors, Integrators and Consulta nts. The eTOM significantly enhances the TOM, the previous(prenominal) de facto standard for profit Provider operations mathematical adjoines for the industry. eTOM has become the effort process, e byplay modifyd, de facto standard for the Information and Communications overhauls industry processes. For those familiar with the TOM, it may be helpful to refer to the prior release of this document (GB921 v3. 0) that includes appendices covering TOM to eTOM Chapter Comparison, and TOM To eTOM work on Name Changes. GB921v3. 6 ?Tele focal point gathering 2003 eTOM Business appendage manikin paginate 3 alliance to Standardization ActivitiesMuch of the vigilance basiss upon which systems will be built atomic number 18 expected to be based on standard interfaces. Relating military tame needs to obtainable, or necessary, standards is a primitive cultivation of the TM Forum in promoting a standardsbased approach to information and communication theory operate attention . Where applicable, the TM Forum uses industry standards in its work to assist the acceptance of standards and to minimize redundant work. People active in centering standardization (in the broadest sense) will find the eTOM effective in setting a top down, enterprise-level, client-centric context of how fudgement specifications need to work together.TM Forum uses animated standards as much as possible. As a result of instruction murder experience through Catalyst projects, TM Forum provides feedback to appropriate standards bodies. NGOSS and eTOM NGOSS is the TM Forums New Generation trading operations Systems and Software program, which delivers a toolkit to guide the definition, development, procural and deployment of OSS/BSS solutions while as thoroughly as defining a strategicalal direction for a much standardized OSS martplace. NGOSS uses a roughhewn personal line of credit process map, systems descriptions, and information models and couples them with pre-de fined integration interfaces, architectural principles and compliance criteria.NGOSSs lengthwise approach enables assistance providers to redesign their key channel processes in line with industry best practices while allowing suppliers to cost-effectively develop OSS software product that can considerably fit into a aid providers IT environment. ?Tele vigilance Forum 2003 GB921v3. 6 rascal 4 eTOM Business help Framework S S A y A n ysstte na em m a D ly D e lyssiis ss essi s & adenine ig n & antiophthalmic factor g n NGOSS sponsoring Tools s es ap s in s M Bu ces M) O o Pr (eT Co nt ra Ne c ut Tec t In ra h te l A no rf rc log ac hi y e & te ct ur e In S f h Da orm are ta at d i (S Mo on ID de & ) l So An Souu An l l t to ii aa n De lyys on De l sis is& ssg iig & nnPr B Pr u oo Bus cc sin ee ssss ine e & & A sss De An s De naa ssg lyy iig l ss nn iss i Co m p Te lia st nce s ?Tele focussing Forum 2003 mannequin P. 1 TM Forum NGOSS Framework get a line P. 1 shows the NGOSS Framework, and the vital role of eTOM within this. eTOM provides the Business Process Map for NGOSS. travel around the NGOSS wheel, eTOM feeds requirements to the Information Model and t wherefore to the Integration Framework and Compliance Criteria. More information on NGOSS is available through the TM Forum nettsite www. tmforum. org GB921v3. 6 C S Coo Soollu n nff o uttiio o Te orrm n m n Te ssttii aanc n n ngg cee eTOM Business Process Framework Page 5Chapter 1- eTOM Business Process Framework Introduction Purpose of the Business Process Framework traditionally in the tele communication theory industry, returns providers delivered end-toend serve to their guests. As much(prenominal), the entire value fibril was controlled by a single enterprise, if necessary via interconnection arrangements with other service providers. However in a liberalized marketplace, service providers are having to respond some(prenominal) to the nodes accessiond demands for superior customer service and to stiffer competition. They have thitherfore been expanding their markets beyond their self-contained boundaries and broadening their argumentation relationships.Service Providers face in truth different regulatory environments and their affair strategies and approaches to competition are quite distinct, nonetheless they share some(prenominal) common land characteristics Heavily dependent upon effective guidance of information and communications engagements to stay competitive Adopting a service charge approach to the way they run their business and their mesh topologys Moving to much of an lengthways Process counselling approach developed from the customers point of involve Automating their client care, Service and Network way Processes Need to unify sore OSSs with legacy systems focalisation on data work offerings and Focusing on total service performance, including customer satisfaction Integrating with current technology (e. g. S DH/SONET and ATM) and mod technologies (e. g. , IP, DWDM) Emphasizing more than of a buy rather than get up approach that integrates systems from multiple suppliers Some Service Providers pick to operate their own communicate and/or information technology infrastructure, while others choose to outsource this segment of their business.The effective exploitation of this information technology and network infrastructure, whether directly operated or outsourced, is an integral part of the service delivery ambit and directly influences the service quality and cost perceived by the end customer. Service Providers will need to become skilled at assessing outsourcing opportunities whether in information technology and/or network infrastructure areas or other areas and then, be skilled at integrating and managing any outsourcing arrangements. ?Tele centering Forum 2003 GB921v3. 6 Page 6 eTOM Business Process Framework To meet both existing and new demands, Service providers still urge ntly require wellautomated operations processes whether they are incumbent providers or new entrants, and whether communications service providers, application service providers, Internet service providers, etc. Some service roviders are struggling with high growth from a start-up phase, others with the commoditization of key cash-cow services, and yet others with the move from a manual-intensive, inconsistent, inflexible environment to one that provides significant improvement in customer focus, service quality, unit cost, and epoch to market. Service providers have to pervasively do business electronically with trading partners, suppliers and wholesale and retail customers. For the maturation Mobile/Wireless and IP Services markets, these service providers are focused on quickly provisioning new customers and supporting service quality issues, while continually reducing development and in operation(p) costs.. For all service providers, on that point is an intense reason to i ntroduce both new value-added services and melodramatic improvements in customer support.There is as well an increasing need for Service Providers to manage the integration required in mergers and acquisitions activity due to the consolidation curl the industry is now experiencing. For the full range of service providers and network floozies, the leash focus of the TM Forums mission is to enable throughout process mechanisation of the business and operations processes that deliver information and communications services. The eTOM is the business process role model for accomplishing this mission. The office of the eTOM is to continue to set a vision for the industry to compete masteryfully through the implementation of business process driven approaches to managing the enterprise.This includes ensuring integration among all vital enterprise support systems concerned with service delivery and support. The focus of the eTOM document is on the business processes used by service p roviders, the linkages amidst these processes, the identification of interfaces, and the use of Customer, Service, imaginativeness, supplier/ quisling and other information by multiple processes. Exploitation of information from every corner of the business will be essential to success in the future. In an ebusiness environment, automation to gain productivity enhancement, increased tax and better customer relationships is vital. Perhaps at no other time has process automation been so searing to success in the marketplace.The over-arching objectives of the eTOM Business Process Framework are to continue to build on TM Forums success in establishing An industry standard business process theoretical account. roughhewn definitions to describe process elements of a service provider. symmetry on the basic information required to perform separately process element within a business activity, and use of this within the boilersuit NGOSS program for business requirements and informa tion model development that can guide industry agreement on contract interfaces, divided data model elements, and supporting system infrastructure and products. A process framework for identifying which processes and interfaces are in most need of integration and automation, and most dependent on industry agreement.This document, the eTOM Business Process Framework and its associated business process modeling, describes for an enterprise the process elements and their relationship that are involved in information and communications services and technologies management. Additionally, the points of interconnection that contract up the lengthwise, customer operations process flows for fulfillment, pledge, heraldic bearing within trading operations, and for dodge, Infrastructure & harvest-tide are addressed. GB921v3. 6 ? TeleManagement Forum 2003 eTOM Business Process Framework Page 7 Note that, although eTOM has been focused on information and communications services and tec hnologies management, this work is also proving to be of interest in other business areas.Service providers need this common framework of processes to enable them to do business streamlinedly and effectively with other entities and to enable the development and use of third- fellowship software without the need for major customization. In an ebusiness environment, this common understanding of process is critical to managing the more interwoven business relationships of todays information and communications services marketplace. eBusiness integration among enterprises seems to be most successful through strong process integration. Recent industry fallout, particularly in relation to dotcoms, does not reduce the pressure for ebusiness automation it strengthens the need to capitalize on ebusiness opportunities to be successful.However, the eTOM is not just an ecommerce or ebusiness process framework, it supports traditional business processes with the integration of ebusiness. Defin e Common speech The eTOM document also provides the definition of common terms concerning enterprise processes, sub-processes and the activities performed within each. Common terminology makes it easier for service providers to negotiate with customers, third party suppliers, and other service providers. See Annex B for the definition of eTOM acronyms and terminology. Consensus Tool The TM Forum produced the TOM initially as a consensus tool for raillery and agreement among service providers and network doers.Its broad consensus of support, which has been built on and all-embracing with the eTOM, enables Focused work to be carried out in TM Forum teams to define flesh out business requirements, information agreements, business application contracts and divided up data model specifications (exchanges between applications or systems) and to review these outputs for consistency Relating business needs to available or required standards A common process view for equipment suppliers , applications builders and integrators to build management systems by combining third party and in-house developments The anticipated result is that the products purchased by service providers and network operators for business and useable management of their networks, information technologies and services will integrate better into their environment, modify the cost benefits of end-to-end automation. Furthermore, a common industry view on processes and information facilitates operator-to-operator and operator-to-supplier process interconnection, which is essential for rapid service provisioning and puzzle handling in a competitive spheric environment.This process interconnection is the key to ebusiness supply chain management in particular. ?TeleManagement Forum 2003 GB921v3. 6 Page 8 eTOM Business Process Framework What is the eTOM? The eTOM is a business process framework, i. e. a reference framework or model for categorizing all the business activities that a service provid er will use. It is NOT a service provider business model. In other words, it does not address the strategic issues or questions of who a service providers target customers should be, what market segments should the service provider serve, what are a service providers vision, mission, etc. A business process framework is one part of the strategic business model and plan for a service provider.The eTOM can be regarded as a Business Process Framework, rather than a Business Process Model, since its aim is to categorize the process elements business activities so that these can then be unite in many different ways, to implement end-to-end business processes (e. g. fulfillment, assurance, complaint) which deliver value for the customer and the service provider. eTOM Release 3. 0 provided a member-approved eTOM Business Process Framework with global agreement from its highest conceptual level to its starting working level. This eTOM Release 3. 5 builds on this to take account of real-wo rld experience in applying this work, and to incorporate new detail in process decompositions, flows and business to business interaction.However, eTOM is still ontogeny in areas such(prenominal) as further lower-level process decompositions and flows, and ongoing feedback together with its linkage with the wider NGOSS program, will be used to guide future development priorities. Note that the development of a total process framework is a significant undertaking with process work that will be phased over time based on member process priorities and member pick availability. This is visible in eTOMs own history, from the original Telecom operations Map (TOM) that was carried forward into the eTOM and broadened to a total enterprise framework, through several generations of detail and refinement, to the current Release. More information on TOM and its associate with eTOM are provided in the previous release of this document (GB921 v3. 0).A great many service providers, as well as s ystem integrators, ASPs and vendors, are working already with eTOM. They need an industry standard framework for procuring software and equipment, as well as to interface with other service providers in an more and more interlinking network of business relationships. Many service providers have payd their own process models because they recognize the need to have a broader industry framework that doesnt just address operations or traditional business processes. GB921v3. 6 ?TeleManagement Forum 2003 eTOM Business Process Framework Page 9 Customer outline, Infrastructure & carre 4 Operations Customer Market, increase & Customer Market, Product and Customer Service Serviceimagination Resource (Application, cypher and Network) (Application, Computing and Network) Supplier/ furnish Supplier/Partner Supplier/Partner Suppliers/Partners Enterprise Management Shareholders TeleManagement Forum October, 2001 Employees Other Stakeholders get in 1. 1 eTOM Business Process Framework direct 0 Processes Figure 1. 1 shows the highest conceptual view of the eTOM Business Process Framework. This view provides an boilers suit context that differentiates schema and lifecycle processes from the operations processes in two large groups, seen as two boxes. It also differentiates the key functional areas in five horizontal layers. In addition, Figure 1. also shows the internal and external entities that interact with the enterprise (as ovals). Figure 1. 2 shows the direct 0 view of direct 1 processes in the eTOM Framework. This view is an boilersuit view of the eTOM processes, but in practice it is the next level the level 1 view of take 2 processes at which users break by to work, as this detail is inevitable in analyzing their businesses. This view is presented later in the document in a series of diagrams examining each area of the eTOM framework. Figure 1. 2 below shows seven unsloped process mathematical groups. These are the end-to-end processes that a re required to support customers and to manage the business.The focal point of the eTOM (as it was for the TOM) is on the snapper customer operations processes of fulfilment, Assurance and Billing (mythologic). Operations Support & hardening is now differentiated from FAB real-time processes to increase the focus on enabling support and automation in FAB, i. e.. on line and immediate support of customers. The strategy & frame upright, as well as the two Lifecycle Management verticals, are also now differentiated because, unlike Operations, they do not directly support the customer, are intrinsically different from the Operations processes and work on different business time cycles. The horizontal process sorts in Figure 1. 2 divulge functional operations processes and other types of business functional processes, e. g. Marketing versus Selling, Service phylogeny versus Service Configuration, etc. The functional processes on the left (within the Strategy & Commit, Inf rastructure Lifecycle Management and Product Lifecycle Management vertical process groupings) enable, support and direct the work in the Operations verticals. ?TeleManagement Forum 2003 GB921v3. 6 Page 10 Customer Strategy, Infrastructure and Product Operations eTOM Business Process Framework Strategy & Commit Infrastructure Lifecycle Mgmt Product Lifecycle Mgmt Operations Support & preparation fulfilment Assurance Billing Marketing and Offer Management Customer family relationship Management Service Development & ManagementService Management & Operations Resource Development & Management Resource Management & Operations egress Chain Development & Management Supplier/Partner kind Management Enterprise Management Strategic & Enterprise plan Brand Management, Market Research & denote Enterprise feel Mgmt, Process & IT Planning & Architecture Human Resource s Management Research & Development Acquisistion & engineering science Financial &a mp Asset Management TeleManagement Forum October, 2001 Stakeholder & extraneous Relations Management Disaster Recovery , Security & postiche Management Figure 1. 2 eTOM Business Process FrameworkLevel 1 Processes As can be seen in Figure 1. , eTOM makes the pursuit improvements to the high level TOM Framework Expands the scope to all enterprise processes. Distinctly identifies Marketing processes due to heightened importance in an ebusiness world. Distinctly identifies Enterprise Management processes, so that everyone in the enterprise is able to identify their critical processes, thereby enabling process framework acceptance crosswise the enterprise. Brings Fulfillment, Assurance and Billing (FAB) onto the high-level framework view to emphasize the customer anteriority processes as the focus of the enterprise. Defines an Operations Support & Readiness vertical process grouping, applicable for all functional layers, except Enterprise Management. To ntegrate ebusiness a nd make customer selfmanagement a reality, the enterprise has to understand the processes it needs to enable for direct, and more and more, online customer operations support and customer self-management. Recognizes triad enterprise process groupings that are distinctly different from operations processes by identifying the SIP processes, i. e. , Strategy & Commit, Infrastructure Lifecycle Management and Product Lifecycle Management. Recognizes the different cycle multiplication of the strategy and lifecycle management processes and the need to separate these processes from the customer priority operations processes where automation is most critical. This is done by decoupling the Strategy & Commit and the two Lifecycle Management processes from the day-to-day, minute-to-minute cycle times of the customer operations processes. GB921v3. 6 ?TeleManagement Forum 2003 eTOM Business Process Framework Page 11 Moves from a customer care or service orientation to a customer relations hip management orientation that emphasizes customer selfmanagement and control, increasing the value customers contribute to the enterprise and the use of information to customize and personalize to the mortal customer. It adds more elements to this customer operations functional layer to represent better the merchandising processes and to integrate marketing fulfillment within Customer Relationship Management. Note that eTOM Customer Relationship Management is very broadly defined and bigger in scope than some definitions of CRM.Ac grappleledges the need to manage resources across technologies, (i. e. , application, reckon and network), by integrating the Network and Systems Management functional process into Resource Management & Operations. It also moves the management of IT into this functional layer as opposed to having a separate process grouping. eTOM is More Than One enumeration It is think that the eTOM Business Process Framework will become a collection of document s and models. The current view is as follows This document the eTOM The Business Process Framework is merged as a core document that explains the overall framework approach and all its elements.In addition, two Addenda are associated with the core document Addendum D provides process descriptions for the eTOM at Level 0, Level 1, Level 2 and selected Level 3 processes Addendum F provides examples of process flows that use the eTOM Business Process Framework and its component process elements to address high-priority business scenarios The eTOM Overview/Executive Summary is a single sheet document that provides an overall view of the eTOM business process framework and highlights key concepts. The eTOM Business Process Framework Model provides a version of the eTOM framework, processes and flows intended for automated process by modeling tools, etc.This is intended to be available in several formats Tool-based (e. g. XML for import into a process analysis environment) Browsable (e . g. HTML) Using This Document A service providers specific process architecture and giving medication structure are highly specific and critical aspects of a providers competitiveness. The eTOM provides a common view of service provider enterprise process elements or business activities that can easily translate to an individual providers internal approaches. The document is not intended to be prescriptive about how the tasks are carried out, how a provider ? TeleManagement Forum 2003 GB921v3. 6 Page 12 eTOM Business Process Framework r operator is organized, or how the tasks are identified in any one organization. It is also not prescriptive about the sequence of Process pieces that are combined to implement end-to-end business processes. The eTOM provides a starting point for detailed work coordinated through TM Forum that leads to an integrated set of specifications that will provide real benefit to both suppliers and procurers in enhancing industry service provider enterpri se management efficiency. This document is not a specification, in the sense that vendors or operators must comply directly. However, it does represent a standard way of naming, describing and categorizing process elements.It will enable unambiguous communication and facilitate the development of standard solutions and reuse of business processes. It is not intended to incorporate all the detail of eventual process implementation, but is more a guiding reference for the industry. One of the strengths of the eTOM is that it can be adoptive at a variety of levels, in whole or in part, depending upon a service providers needs. The eTOM can also act as a translator by allowing a service provider to map their distinct processes to the industry framework. As the process examples are developed, service providers can use and adapt these examples to their business environment.The eTOM Business Process Framework can be used as a tool for analyzing an organizations existing processes and for developing new processes. Different processes delivering the same business functionality can be identified, duplication eliminated, gaps revealed, new process design speeded up, and difference reduced. Using eTOM, it is possible to assess the value, cost and performance of individual processes within an organization. Relationships with suppliers and partners can also be facilitated by identifying and categorizing the processes used in interactions with them. In a similar manner, it is possible to identify the all- key customer relationship processes and evaluate whether they are functioning as required to meet customers expectations. mean AudienceThe eTOM aims at a wide audience of professionals in the Information and Communications Services Industry. For experienced Telecommunications professionals, the eTOM has proven itself to be intuitive and a strong, common framework of service provider enterprise processes. Through TM Forum Catalyst projects and other work, it has been veri fied that the eTOM framework has strong application in many applications and throughout many companies. More information on use of eTOM within the industry is available at the TM Forum website www. tmforum. org The eTOM is aimed at service provider and network operator decision makers who need to know and input to he common business process framework used to enable enterprise automation in a cost efficient way. It is also an beta framework for specialists across the industry working on business and operations automation. The document or framework supports, and is consistent with, many efforts under way in the industry supporting the need to deepen business and operations automation in the information and communications services marketplace. GB921v3. 6 ? TeleManagement Forum 2003 eTOM Business Process Framework Page 13 The eTOM will continue to give providers and suppliers a common framework for discussing complex business needs in a complex industry with complex technologies.For b oth service providers and network operators additional complexities arise from Moving away from developing their own business and operations systems software, to a more procurement and systems integration approach. New business relationships between service providers and network operators The creation of new business relationships and the move away from developing internally are a reaction to market forces. These market forces require service providers and network operators to increase the range of services they offer, reduce time to market for new services, increase speed of service, as well as to drive down systems and functional costs.The eTOM is also aimed at service provider and network operator employees involved in business process re-engineering, operations, procurement and other activities for apprehensiveness the common business process framework being used to drive integration and automation Getting involved in providing processes, inputs, priorities and requirements T he eTOM Business Process Framework is also aimed at designers and integrators of business and operational management systems software and equipment suppliers. They can benefit from understanding how management processes and applications need to work together to deliver business benefit to service providers and network operators.An equally important and related audience is suppliers of management applications, management systems, and networking equipment, who need to understand the deployment environment for their products and solutions. The eTOM Business Process Framework provides a common framework useful in supporting the significant amount of merger and acquisition activity. Common process understanding and a common process framework can greatly improve integration performance for mergers and acquisitions. eTOM is applicable for an established service provider or a new entrant, green field provider. It is important to note that not all areas defined in the eTOM are needfully use d by all providers.As mentioned earlier, the framework is flexible, so that the process elements the specific service providers require can be selected on a modular basis and at the appropriate level of detail for their needs. Benefits of Using eTOM eTOM makes available a standard structure, terminology and classification scheme for describing business processes and their gene building blocks eTOM supplies a foundation for applying enterprise-wide discipline to the development of business processes eTOM provides a basis for understanding and managing portfolios of IT applications in terms of business process requirements ? TeleManagement Forum 2003 GB921v3. 6 Page 14 eTOM Business Process FrameworkUse of the eTOM enables consistent and high-quality end-to-end process flows to be created, with opportunities for cost and performance improvement, and for re-use of existing processes and systems Use of the eTOM across the industry will increase the likelihood that off-the-shelf applica tions will be readily integrated into the enterprise, at a lower cost than custom applications GB921v3. 6 ?TeleManagement Forum 2003 eTOM Business Process Framework Page 15 Chapter 2 eTOM Business Process Enterprise Framework The main purpose of this Chapter is to provide a formal description of the eTOM Business Process Framework, with two distinct outdoor stages The Internal Viewpoint, which considers the processes that characterize the internal behavior of a Service Provider The out-of-door Viewpoint, which considers the processes necessary for a Service Provider to cover external interactions (e. g. xecute electronic transactions) with Customers, Suppliers and Partners in a Value Chain. In the by-line sections both of these viewpoints are presented. The Internal Viewpoint follows the structure of former releases of GB921, the External Viewpoint is new material and a general overview is provided. Internal viewpoint The eTOM Business Process Element Enterprise Framework cons iders the Service Providers (SPs) enterprise, and positions this within its overall business context i. e. the business interactions and relationships, which allow the SP to carry on its business with other organizations. These wider aspects, together with the implications for an eBusiness and eCommerce world are introduced in Chapter 3.This section introduces the eTOM Business Framework and explains its structure and the significance of each of the process areas within it. It also shows how the eTOM structure is decomposed to lower-level process elements. This explanation is useful for those who decide where and how an Enterprise will use eTOM, and those who may be modifying it for use in their Enterprise. To assist the reader in locating the process area concerned within eTOM, a graphical icon of eTOM, alongside the text, is provided to draw attention to the relevant eTOM area. This is highlighted in red to indicate the focus of the adjacent text or discussion. eTOM Conceptual Vi ew The eTOM Business Process Element Enterprise Framework represents the whole of a service providers enterprise environment.At the overall conceptual level, eTOM can be viewed as having three major areas of process, as shown in Figure 2. 1. Strategy, Infrastructure & Product covering planning and lifecycle management Operations covering the core of operational management Enterprise Management covering corporate or business support management ? TeleManagement Forum 2003 GB921v3. 6 Page 16 eTOM Business Process Framework Customer Strategy, Infrastructure & Product Operations Market, Product and Customer Service Resource (Application, Computing and Network) Supplier/Partner Suppliers/Partners Enterprise Management Shareholders Employees Other Stakeholders TeleManagement ForumOctober, 2001 Figure 2. eTOM Business Process Framework Conceptual Structure The Conceptual Structure view provides an overall context that differentiates strategy and lifecycle processes from operation s processes in two large process areas, seen as the two large boxes towards the top of the diagram, together with a third area beneath which is concerned with enterprise management. It also differentiates the key functional areas in quaternity horizontal groupings across the two upper process areas. In addition, Figure 2. 1 shows the internal and external entities (as ovals) that interact with the enterprise. eTOM is a structured catalogue (a taxonomy) of process elements, which can be viewed in more and more detail.When viewed in terms of the flat Functional groupings, it follows a strict power structure where every element is only associated with or parented to a single element at the next higher hierarchical level. In a taxonomy, any activity must be unique, i. e. it must be listed only once. Figure 2. 1 shows the top level (Level 0) Groupings that eTOM is decomposed into. Because the purpose of the eTOM framework is to help SPs to manage their end-toend Business processes, the eTOM enhances the TOM practice of showing how process elements have a strong association with one (or several) end-to-end business processes (e. g. Fulfillment, Assurance, Billing, Product Development etc. which are introduced later in this Chapter). These upright End-To-End groupings are essentially overlays onto the hierarchical top-level horizontal groupings, because in a hierarchical taxonomy an element cannot be associated with or parented to more than one element at the next higher level. Because eTOM was developed to help build and implement the process elements for a Service Provider, it was decided from the start that the primary top-level hierarchy of process elements would be the functional (horizontal) groupings, rather than the endto-end process (vertical) groupings. GB921v3. 6 ?TeleManagement Forum 2003 eTOM Business Process Framework Page 17To understand the eTOM Business Process Framework, each process area is analyzed and decomposed into further groupings and proce sses. For each level of analysis or decomposition, the process area, grouping or process element itself is presented with a brief, summary-level description. At this highest level, the three basic process areas are outlined below. The Operations Process Area is the heart of eTOM. It includes all operations processes that support the customer operations and management, as well as those that enable direct customer operations with the customer. These processes include both day-to-day and operations support and readiness processes.The eTOM view of Operations also includes sales management and supplier/partner relationship management. The Strategy, Infrastructure & Product Process Area includes processes that develop strategies and commitment to them within the enterprise, that plan, develop and manage infrastructures and products, and that develop and manage the provide Chain. In the eTOM, infrastructure refers to more than just the IT and resource infrastructure that supports produ cts and services. It includes the infrastructure required to support functional processes, e. g. , Customer Relationship Management (CRM). These processes direct and enable the Operations processes.The Enterprise Management Process Area includes those basic business processes that are required to run any large business. These generic processes focus on both the setting and achieving of strategic corporate goals and objectives, as well as providing those support services that are required throughout an Enterprise. These processes are sometimes considered to be the corporate functions and/or processes. e. g. , Financial Management, Human Resources Management processes, etc Since Enterprise Management processes are aimed at general support within the Enterprise, they may interface as needed with almost every other process in the Enterprise, be they operational, strategy, infrastructure or product processes.The conceptual view of the eTOM Business Process Framework addresses both the ma jor process areas as above and, just as importantly, the supporting functional process groupings, depicted as horizontal groupings. The functional groupings mull the major expertise and focus required to pursue the business. The four functional groupings are described below The Market, Product and Customer processes include those dealing with sales and channel management, marketing management, and product and offer management, as well as Customer Relationship Management and ordering, problem handling, SLA Management and mission. The Service processes include those dealing with service development and configuration, service problem management, quality analysis, and rating. The Resource processes include those dealing with development nd management of the enterprises infrastructure, whether related to products and services, or to supporting the enterprise itself. The Supplier/Partner processes include those dealing with the enterprises interaction with its suppliers and partners. Th is involves both processes that manage the deliver Chain that underpins product and infrastructure, as well as those that support the Operations interface with its suppliers and partners. ?TeleManagement Forum 2003 GB921v3. 6 Page 18 eTOM Business Process Framework Additionally, in the diagram (Figure 2. 1), the major entities with which the enterprise interacts are shown. These are Customers, to whom service is provided by means of the products sold by the enterprise the focus of the businessSuppliers, who provides products or resources, bought and used by the enterprise directly or indirectly to support its business Partners, with whom the enterprise co-operates in a shared area of business Employees, who work for the enterprise to pursue its business goals Shareholders, who have invested in the enterprise and thus own stock Stakeholders, who have a commitment to the enterprise other than through stock ownership. eTOM CEO Level View Below the conceptual level, the eTOM Business P rocess Framework is decomposed into a set of process element groupings, which provide a first level of detail at which the entire enterprise can be viewed. These process groupings are considered the CEO level view, in that the performance of these processes determines the success of the enterprise. The eTOM Business Process Framework is defined as generically as possible, so that it is independent of organization, technology and service. The eTOM is basically intuitive, business driven and customer focused. To reflect the way usinesses look at their processes, the eTOM supports two different perspectives on the grouping of the detailed process elements Horizontal process groupings, which represent a view of functionallyrelated processes within the business, such as those involved in managing contact with the customer or in managing the supply chain. This structuring by functional groupings is useful to those who are accountable for creating the capability that enables the processes . The IT teams will look at groups of IT functions which tend to be implemented together e. g. the front-of-house applications in the Customer Grouping, back-of-house applications which focus on managing information about the services sold to customers, the network management applications which focus on the technology which delivers the services.For processes delivered by race there is a similar disengagement of workgroups the front-of-house workgroups in the Customer Grouping, back-of-house workgroups which focus on managing information about the services sold to customers, the network management workgroups which focus on the technology which delivers the services. tumid process groupings, which represent a view of end-to-end processes within the business, such as those involved in the overall billing flows to customers. This end-to-end view is important to those people who are accountable for changing, operating and managing the end-to-end processes. These people are more int erested in the outcomes of the process and how they support customer need rather than worrying about the IT or the workgroups that need to work together to deliver the result. GB921v3. 6 ?TeleManagement Forum 2003 eTOM Business Process Framework Page 19 The overlay of the Functional (horizontal) groupings of process elements and the endto-end process (vertical) groupings forms the inborn matrix structure of eTOM. This matrix structure is the core of one of the innovations and unsounded benefits of eTOM it offers for the first time a standard language and structure for the process elements that are understood and used by both the people specifying and operating the end-to-end business, as well as those people who are responsible for creating the capability that enables the processes (whether automated by IT or implemented manually by workgroups).The integration of all these processes provides the enterprise-level process framework for the information and communications service pro vider. This is the Level 0 view of the enterprise and shows the vertical and horizontal process groupings that are the decompositions of the process areas introduced above. These groupings are Level 1 process groupings in the parlance of the eTOM business process model, e. g. Customer Relationship Management, Fulfillment. The Level 0 view, which reveals the Level 1 process detail, is shown in Figure 2. 2. As process decomposition proceeds, each level is decomposed into a set of constituent process elements at the level below.Thus, Level 0 is decomposed into Level 1 processes, Level 1 into Level 2,and so on. The Enterprise Level 0 view decomposes into seven vertical (or end-to-end) Level 1 process groupings as well as eight Horizontal (or functional) Level 1 process groupings in four layers. These Vertical and Horizontal process groupings represent alternative views relevant to different concerns on the way that processes should be associated. Note that we will see that these altern atives have been selected to yield a single, common view of the Level 2 processes defined at the next level of decomposition, and hence do not represent a divergence in the modeling.In addition, there are eight additional enabling and support Level 1 process groupings within Enterprise Management. This full view of the Level 1 processes is shown in Figure 2. 2. Customer Strategy, Infrastructure and Product Operations Strategy Commit Infrastructure Lifecycle Mgmt Product Lifecycle Mgmt Operations Support Readiness Fulfillment Assurance Billing Marketing and Offer Management Customer Relationship Management Service Development Management Service Management Operations Resource Development Management Resource Management Operations Supply Chain Development Management Supplier/Partner Relationship Management Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise PlanningBrand Management, Market Research Advertising Enterprise Quality Mgmt, Process R esea rch D evelo p m en t IT Planning A rchitecture T ech n o lo g y A cq u isistio n Human Resources Management Disaster Recovery, Security Fraud Management Financial Asset Management TeleManagement Forum October, 2001 Stakeholder External Relations Management Figure 2. 2 eTOM Level 0 View of Level 1 Process Groupings ?TeleManagement Forum 2003 GB921v3. 6 Page 20 eTOM Business Process Framework eTOM Operations Processes To be useful to a Service Provider, the eTOM Process Element Framework must help the SP to develop and operate their business processes.This sections shows how the matrix structure of eTOM offers for the first time a standard language and structure for the process elements that are understood and used by both the people specifying and operating the end-to-end business, as well as those people who are responsible for creating the capability that enables the processes (whether automated by IT or implemented manually by workgroups). OPS Vertical Process Groupings The Operations (OPS) process area contai ns the direct operations vertical process groupings of Fulfillment, Assurance Billing, together with the Operations Support Readiness process grouping (see Figure 2. 3). The FAB processes are sometimes referred to as Customer Operations processes. Customer Operations Operations Support and Readiness Fulfillment Assurance Billing Figure 2. eTOM OPS Vertical Process Groupings The TOM was focused only on the direct customer processes represented by FAB. However, FAB processes were not on the TOM framework map, they were rather an overlay. In an ebusiness world, the focus of the enterprise must be enabling and supporting these processes as the highest priority. Therefore, in the eTOM, Fulfillment, Assurance Billing are an integrated part of the overall framework. Fulfillment this process grouping is responsible for providing customers with their requested products in a timely and correct manner. It translates the customers business or personal need into a solution, which can be del ivered using the specific products in the enterprises portfolio.This process informs the customers of the status of their purchase order, ensures completion on time, as well as a prosperous customer. Assurance this process grouping is responsible for the execution of proactive and reactive maintenance activities to ensure that services provided to customers are ceaselessly available and to SLA or QoS performance levels. It performs continuous resource status and performance monitoring to proactively detect possible failures. It collects performance data and analyzes them to identify potential problems and resolve them without impact to the customer. This process manages the SLAs and reports service performance to the customer.It receives trouble reports from the customer, informs the customer of the trouble status, and ensures restoration and repair, as well as a delighted customer. GB921v3. 6 ? TeleManagement Forum 2003 eTOM Business Process Framework Page 21 Billing this process grouping is responsible for the production of timely and ideal bills, for providing pre-bill use information and billing to customers, for processing their payments, and performing payment collections. In addition, it handles customer inquiries about bills, provides billing inquiry status and is responsible for solvent billing problems to the customers satisfaction in a timely manner. This process grouping also supports prepayment for services.For a high-level view of how the eTOM Process Elements can be used to create Fulfillment, Assurance Billing process flows, please see document GB921 v3. 5 Addendum f, Process Flow Examples. In addition to these FAB process groupings, the OPS process area of the eTOM Framework contains a new, fourth vertical process grouping Operations Support Readiness (see Figure 2. 3). Operations Support Readiness this process grouping is responsible for support to the FAB processes, and for ensuring operational readiness in the fulfillment, assurance a nd billing areas. In general, the processes are concerned with activities that are less real-time than those in FAB, and which are typically concerned less with individual customers and services and more with groups of these.They reflect a need in some enterprises to divide their processes between the immediate customer-facing and real-time operations of FAB and other Operations processes which act as a second-line in carrying out the operational support tasks. Not all enterprises will choose to employ this split, or to position the subdivision in exactly the same place, so it is recognized that in applying the eTOM Business Framework in particular scenarios, the processes in Operations Support Readiness and in FAB may be merged for day-today operation. Nevertheless, it is felt important to acknowledge this separation to reflect a real-world division that is present or emerging in many enterprises.The separation, definition and execution of the Operations Support Readiness proces ses can be critical in taking value of ebusiness opportunities, and is particularly important for successful implementation of Customer Self Management. OPS Horizontal Process Groupings In the OPS process area of the eTOM Framework, there are four OPS functional process groupings that support the operations processes discussed above, and also the management of operations to support customer, service, resource and supplier/partner interactions (see Figure 2. 4). The original TOM Process Framework used the ITU-T TMN Logical Business, Service, and Network Layers to organize the core business processes. This facilitated mapping of the Management Functions defined in TMN, to the TOM processes.As the eTOM Business Process Framework is an evolution of the TOM Process Framework and because the TMN layering approach is still relevant, the TMN Logical Layers continue to be loosely coupled to the functional process groupings. The TM Forum is working with ITU-T to harmonize the eTOM and TMN mo dels. See reference 3 for further information on ITU-T TMN. ?TeleManagement Forum 2003 GB921v3. 6 Page 22 eTOM Business Process Framework Cu stome r Oper ati ons C usto mer R el ation ship Manag emen t Serv ice Man ag ement Op eration s R eso urce Man ag em ent Op erat ion s (Applicati on, C om puting a nd N etwor k) Sup plier/Partn er R elat ionsh ip Man ag em en t Figure 2. eTOM OPS Functional Process Groupings Customer Relationship Management (CRM) this process grouping considers the fundamental knowledge of customers needs and includes all functionalities necessary for the acquisition, enhancement and computer storage of a relationship with a customer. It is about customer service and support, whether storefront, telephone, web or field service. It is also about property management, cross-selling, up-selling and direct marketing for the purpose of selling to customers. CRM also includes the collection of customer information and its application to personalize, customize and integrate delivery of service to a customer, as well as to identify opportunities for increasing the value of the customer to the enterprise.CRM applies to both customary retail customer interactions, as well as to wholesale interactions, such as when an enterprise is selling to another enterprise that is acting as the retailer. The introduction of CRM is a key feature of eTOM over TOM. At the highest, most general level, the TOM Business Process Framework included two process groupings to manage relations with customers, Customer Interface Management and Customer Care. In the TOM, it is explicitly mentioned that Customer Interface Management may effectively be a distinct process within Customer Care or may be performed as part of the lower level Customer Care processes. However, eTOM advances the TOM in several key ways It expands Customer Care to Customer Relationship Management (CRM), which is management approach to supporting and interacting with customers, that enables enterpr ises to identify, attract and increase retention of utile customers. CRM focuses on collection and application of customer data and managing relationships with customers to improve customer retention and customer value contribution to the enterprise. CRM is more than Customer Care or Customer Interface Management, it is the integration of customer acquisition, enhancement and retention through managing the customer relationship over time. For eTOM, CRM also represents the integration of gross sales and Service processes and ensuring a consistent customer interface across all CRM functional processes. GB921v3. 6 ?TeleManagement Forum 2003 eTOM Business Process Framework Page 23 eTOM integrates Customer Interface Management for Fulfillment, Assurance Billing across all the CRM functional processes and with customer processes. Customer Interface Management represents any type of contact, e. g. , phone, email, face-to-face, etc. It expects an integration and coordination across these different interface types, to provide a consistent interface and highlights the requirement for customer process control and customer self management. eTOM also encourages the design of solutions so that systems interfaces used within the enterprise are the same as those used by customers.TOM CRM processes include an expansion of TOM Customer Care processes to Focus on customer retention Improve enterprise process exception customer retort Integrate marketing fulfillment execution Better represent the billing function at the customer level and the need to assure revenue. Service Management Operations (SMO) this process grouping focuses on the knowledge of services (Access, Connectivity, Content, etc. ) and includes all functionalities necessary for the management and operations of communications and information services required by or proposed to customers. The focus is on service delivery and management as opposed to the management of the underlying network and information t echnology. Some of the
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