
Sunday, March 3, 2019

The Theme of Death in Edgar Allan Poe’s Poems

The Fall of the abide of usher is presented through the narrators lense as he helps out a friend whose whole c areer has been permeated with decease. Lastly, The barrel of Amontillado is a story of destruction with a motive. The leading individualality commits the finish off of a arroganceful man who is hooked to the pleasure of swallow wine. The Fall of the House of present is a story that revolves around the menace and shoemakers last of both Redbrick and his sister, Madeline demonstrate.As Redbrick Usher becomes mentally rickety and falls into a state of depression, he sends a allowter to his commodious lost friend, asking him to come for a stay. The mood of the story is rise of unrelieved gloominess as Redbrick Usher undergoes a pare between the forget to live and the exit to die. Usher has no will to live and tells the narrator/his friend l shall happen, I mustiness perish in this deplorable folly (Poe 5). This suggests his fixation on the horror of death , as Usher apprehensions not death, Itself, or the end of life, provided rather death while still oppressed by his phantasmagoria fears (Goodwin 174). Sheer . Dreads the events of the future, not in themselves, provided in their results he continues to say, l feel that he head will arrive when I must abandon life and agent together in some struggle with the grim phantasm, FEAR (Poe 5). Usher is overwhelmed by the despair and darkness of death he is convinced of the inevitableness of his fast approaching death. He has such a morbid attitude, as things that would normally bring others happiness do not please him.The narrator, says earlyish on that ushers mental condition displayed Itself In a host of affected sensations he then goes on to add that he suffered often from a morbid acuteness of the senses the most insipid food was l ace sufferable he could wear only garments of certain texture the doors of all flowers were oppressive his eyes were tortured by even a faint di m and there were only peculiar sounds, and these from stringed instruments, which did not inspire him with horror (Poe 3).Because Usher is surrounded by a characteristically gothic environment, Isolated and depressing, this contributes to his captivation and obsession with death. Throughout the story, ushers friend tries to keep his distance from this dread and misery, but he mintnot seem to break away since he is staying in the alter and gloomy house. Gradually, Ushers troubled mental condition worsens and he becomes so hysteric that he is not accurately perceiving his surroundings. He seems almost ghost-like because he is remote so much from life and in truthity he Is unstable and his oral sex Is warped by his morbid attitudes and disposition.Redbrick Usher shows readers a portrait of a man whose morbid fascinations ultimately prompt dangerous and self-destructive actions. As Ushers sister decays, he realizes he will be the proceed Usher. magical spell many might despair in facing this reality, Usher takes pride in being the last of his family and glossaries his death. Usher says that her decease would leave him the last of the ancient race of the Ushers- which explains the worsening of his mental condition because he will have no family left and will feel more nongregarious and isolated (Poe 5).Because Usher tends to exacerbate things that are not as shitty as they are, he becomes so wrapped up in death that he responds to a death that has not happened yet. The fact that Usher entombs his own sister alive and is not immediately aware of it, confirms his obsession with the gloom of death. Usher is either preparing for, worrying more or less(predicate), or becoming excited with death- his circulate fascinations are so disturbing. (Walker 586). Redbricks friend attempts to try to preserve himself from the doom of Usher, but finds it hard to not become trapped in this terror. The Fall of the House of Usher concerns the total disintegration of Red brick Usher as he willingly enters into a gloomy world by remaining in such a miserable environment. Usher experiences a mental disease that oppresses him, leaves him deranged, and causes his frequent moods of mad hilarity (Walker 590). Redbrick is not killed by his sister, but is genuinely terrified to death by his environment and his distorted imagination. He is beyond saving, as the narrator quickly discovers.He collapses into the melancholy which ultimately causes his destruction. William Wilson is a challenging read. In this work Poe confronts death, but not in the veridical sense, as in some of his other works. William Wilson is a story where a self-willed, intelligent, and bold man comes across another man who seems to embody the drive form of himself. Through this short story, the audience questions whether the other William Wilson is only a conscience and does not tangibly exist, or whether he is a real human that knows too much.William Willows follower has a dispositio n dissimilar to Wilson- he is quiet, has no flaws, and only communicates through whispers, and unlike the other boys at the schoolhouse he is not charmed by William Willows intelligence and wealth. Although Wilson is scared of and imperil by his follower (because of his omnipresence and unlimited knowledge), he is also awe and fascinated by him. Death in William Wilson is not necessarily literal rather, it takes place throughout the entire story.Willows doppelgnger is constantly trying to kill the place of William Wilson that has no concern for anyone else- the boastful and elfish side. William Wilson is, in a way, cleanup off his own goodness by refusing to listen to the wisdom of his doppelgnger by the end of the story, Wilson is beyond salvation and has become dead to others around him. umteen readers and critics question the true existence of the doppelgnger cod to the fact that his mockery and black comments are only made in private through whispers. William Wilson is gross out by these comments because he does not want his reputation to be tarnished.Willows doppelgnger seems to be satisfied with the sting he inflicts, but William Wilson is hurting on the inwardly while trying not to question his own actions. He despises his doppelgnger because he knows he is doing something wrong but does not want to acknowledge it- he wants to pretend that everything he does is justly and true. William Willows doppelgnger, through his insights, gradually makes him tells Wilson, his avowed antagonist, And in my death, see by this image, which is thing own, how utterly thou hast murdered thyself (Poe 10).Here, Willows doppelgnger tells Wilson that he has left the break up part of himself and that, essentially, he is now dead also. Willows doppelgnger is facial expression that if Wilson had listened to him, he might have been a better person. All along Wilson has been both threatened and fascinated by this doppelgnger because his wisdom is far keener and bett er than his own. His doppelgnger kills Willows name, schemes, and pride- he has made Wilson feel horrible because he is the first person to really expose his substantial character flaws.In one of the last scenes, where Wilson is maneuver with a very rich man and swindles him, his reputation is destroyed and his deceiving tricks are revealed. This scene is where Willows doppelgnger finally takes action instead of merely whispering. He makes it cognise that William is a cheat. The doppelgngers exposure of Willows trickery is the pinnacle of what he has been trying to do all along. Willows doppelgnger represents the happier and better part of William Wilson, and in the end out of fear and paranoia, Wilson kills off this side of himself, or his conscience.William Wilson, like all people, has to constantly require between right and wrong. Even with the lingering specter of his doppelgnger urging him to do right, Wilson manages to triumph over the forces of good acting on him. When Wi lson kills his doppelgnger, he dooms himself to a life of turpitude (Sullivan 254). The theme of death in The drum of Amontillado, by contrast, is literal. The story is a confession of a man, Mentors, who has committed the horrible execration of murder. Mentors lures his friend, miraculous, into his family vaults, where he then fetters him to the wall and bricks him in.In this short story, the reader is perplexed by the seeming absence of a motive for this iniquity. It seems obvious that Mentors is insane, and his reasons for killing flushed are questionable. Mentors elaborates on his sophisticated philosophy of revenge l must not only punish, but punish with impunity. A wrong is discase when retribution overtakes its redresser. It is equally unrepressed when the avenger fails to make himself felt as such to him who has done the wrong (Poe 1).While many would suspect Mentors feels guilty about his killing after he says my heart grew sick, he is actually stating his satisfactio n over his monstrous deed . On account of the damp of the catacombs (Poe 7). Mentors is richly capable of going through with all this violence and incomplete expressing nor experiencing any remorse. Not only does Mentors feel no guilt about his murder, but he perceives his murder of lucky as a prospered and Justified act of vengeance and punishment rather than a crime (Barbara 49).The death in The Cask of Amontillado is clearly murder, as Mentors expertly plans his roundabout actions of capturing Fortunate and killing him in his family vaults. Mentors presents himself as a person with the right to condemn Fortunate to death- he plans his murder as an act of retribution. Although Mentors claims Fortunate death is sought from revenge, the insults Fortunate causes are never revealed to the audience. Clearly, Mentors actions are irrational, extreme, and and then he is mad.He is an extremely violent and insane person who is looking front to the murder of his friend. Mentors is n ot an active participant in the life of local aristocracy- he seemed to be a recluse. The fact that was more powerful than Mentors (Poe 1). Fortunate death had to come from feelings of Jealously and inferiority. But Mentors felt, being a descendent of a powerful aristocratic family, he could not possibly let Fortunate insult him with impunity (Barbara 52). The murder of Fortunate is looked forward to and is deliberate and calculated, as Mentors wants to kill him.He is able to easily face the toll, of committing the gruesome act that comes upon him. The death in The Cask of Amontillado is eagerly sought as Fortunate murder is premeditated and arranged and is later felt with no pity. The fact that Mentors feels no remorse after the death proves that he is an insane man and was fully capable of pursuing his plan. From losing his parents becoming orphaned and adopted and going through periods of fife where he struggled to both find and deal with losing love, it is obvious that Edgar Al lan Poe experienced much suffering.Death was a common reality for him. Popes triplet works, William Wilson, The Fall of the House of Usher, and The Cask of Amontillado all express different aspects of death. The tale of Redbrick Usher is one of dramatic intensity, psychological subtlety, and symbolic complexity (Kennedy 42). The deaths in the story are due to unrelieved gloom and morbid attitudes. In William Wilson, death is a mystery, as readers will never know whether William Wilson kills is actual self or a grim conscience who forces Wilson to question his immoral actions.Lastly, death in The Cask of Amontillado is a plotted manslaughter where the murderer is violent and vengeful. Although the treatments of death are assorted among these short stories, they all share characters, including Redbrick Usher, William Wilson, and Mentors, that are mentally unstable. These three stories deal with mental instability, self-destruction, and murder which all lead to death, inevitably. In conclusion, we can stem these forms of death from Edgar Allan Popes life and experiences, as he lived through much loss.

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